beautiful, beautiful boys.. btw, Edge sings like an angel.. Bono sings like some.. horny thing, but that suits U2, I think!!
From: soul cat girl on 2001-08-06 13:38:55
Great God Almighty Thank YEE For the Blessings of our*** Horny ***Toads in abundunce!!!!!!..YEEEEE--HAAAAWWWW!!! Nobody I mean nobody(includes Elvis though I do luv our icon) sings like our baby......listen listen hear him....'slow down my beatin heart..slow--ly slow--ly'...ummm doesn't get better...aaaaaah.....
From: HomieVox on 2001-08-06 19:16:15
Yeahhhhhh!Horny Bono FOREVER!!We wouldn't like him the same way if he didn't sing like that, would we?? *