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Walk to the Water

  B-side for With Or Without You.

Show all 1011 song names in database.

This song has been snippeted at the following 3 shows:

All in all, we've found 3 different song(s) with Walk to the Water as snippet:

40, All I Want Is You, Bad

Walk to the Water lyrics

She said it wasn't cold
She left her coat at home that day
She wore canvas shoes
White canvas shoes
Around her neck
She wore a silver necklace
'It was given to me by my father' she said
'It was given to me'

She took the back way home
Past the lights at Summerhill
Turn left on to the north strand
And on, on towards the sea

He said he was an artist
But he really painted billboards
In large capital letters
In large capital letters
He was telling jokes
But nobody else would listen to him

I saw you that day
Your lips were cherry red
Your legs were crossed, your arms wide open

Your hair was coloured gold
And like a field of corn
You were blown by the wind
You were blown by the wind

Walk, walk, walk to the water
Walk with me awhile
Walk, walk, walk to the roadside
Walk me in a light

A room in the Royal hotel
With sea facing views
A man with a suitcase
Full of things he doesn't need
I'm looking through your window
I'm walking through your doorway
I'm on the outside
Let me in

Let me love you
Let me love you
Let me

Walk, walk, walk to the water
Walk with me
Walk, walk, walk to the roadside
Walk with me a while

B-side for With Or Without You.

The most accurate U2 setlist archive on the web.
Often plagiarised, never matched.
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