Showing details for U2's 11 O'Clock Tick Tock Tour
We found 19 different songs played during these shows.
- 11 O'Clock Tick Tock (14 times)
- Stories for Boys (9 times)
- Boy-Girl (7 times)
- Another Day (6 times)
- Out of Control (6 times)
- The Electric Co. (5 times)
- Twilight (5 times)
- An Cat Dubh (3 times)
- I Will Follow (3 times)
- Things To Make And Do (3 times)
- Another Time, Another Place (2 times)
- Into the Heart (2 times)
- Pete the Chop (2 times)
- Speed of Life (2 times)
- Cartoon World (1 time)
- Life on a Distant Planet (1 time)
- Shadows and Tall Trees (1 time)
- The Dream is Over (1 time)
- Touch (1 time)
Songs from 4 U2 albums have been played during this tour. Snippets are not counted.
Opening songs
- 11 O'Clock Tick Tock (10)
Closing songs
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Often plagiarised, never matched.
Often plagiarised, never matched.