Edge & Adam at the Berlinale
Today, The Edge and Adam Clayton appeared at the movie premiere of It Might Get Loud in Berlin. The documentary by Davis Guggenheim tells the history of the electric guitar from the point of view of three musicians, including Edge, and it was shown as part of the special section of this year's Berlinale film festival. The other two main stars of the movie, Jimmy Page and Jack White, were not in attendance today. Before the movie, Edge and Guggenheim gave a short speech; Edge and Adam both stayed for the entire movie and Edge had a Q&A session with the media afterwards.
You can see some more photos I took here in our gallery.
A short clip we've taken of the speech before the screening of the movie is available here.
You can see some more photos I took here in our gallery.
A short clip we've taken of the speech before the screening of the movie is available here.
Posted on by Macphisto