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Presale for FC Barcelona members

For the first gig of the 360° Tour, 30 June 2009 in Barcelona, members of FC Barcelona have the chance to participate in a presale for 14,000 tickets. FC Barcelona plays at Camp Nou, the venue of the concert.

If you are a member, you have until 7pm today, 18 March to fill out this form. If demand exceeds the supply of 14,000 tickets, there will be a lottery tomorrow to determine who receives tickets. Only one application per member is permitted, and successful applicants will have the opportunity to buy two tickets.

FC Barcelona adds that the general sale will be run by Ticktackticket (though it is not yet listed on their site) and will begin on "Friday, 25 March". As a calendar can tell you, the 25th is in fact Wednesday, and Friday is the 27th. The original list of general sale dates published on U2.com and later removed (but replicated here) gave the sale date as 25 March, and thus far, all dates that have been restored have been unchanged from the original list. We will keep you updated on whether the sale takes place on 25 or 27 March. We will also provide news on any U2.com fanclub presale once we have it.

Posted on by Axver

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