We found 7 listings for Hamburg. Select a show for details. Below the concert list is a list of all songs and snippets played at this location. Click on the song title to view the song's page, containing details of every known performance. Click on the number in brackets beside the song's title to view the dates on which it was performed at this location.
- 1993-01-31 - Hamburg, Germany - Thalia Theater
- 1981-02-15 - Hamburg, Germany - Onkel Pös Carnegie Hall
- 1981-11-03 - Hamburg, Germany - Fabrik
1984-10-08 - Hamburg, Germany - Congress Center- 1985-01-28 - Hamburg, Germany - Congress Center
- 2018-10-03 - Hamburg, Germany - Barclaycard Arena
- 2018-10-04 - Hamburg, Germany - Barclaycard Arena
Various Dates
Boy Tour
October Tour
Unforgettable Fire Tour
Experience + Innocence Tour
We found 48 different songs played during these shows.
- I Will Follow (5 times)
- 11 O'Clock Tick Tock (3 times)
- Gloria (3 times)
- New Year's Day (3 times)
- One (3 times)
- Pride (In the Name of Love) (3 times)
- The Cry (3 times)
- The Electric Co. (3 times)
- 13 (There Is A Light) (2 times)
- Acrobat (2 times)
- An Cat Dubh (2 times)
- Another Time, Another Place (2 times)
- Beautiful Day (2 times)
- City of Blinding Lights (2 times)
- Elevation (2 times)
- Even Better Than The Real Thing (2 times)
- Get Out Of Your Own Way (2 times)
- Into the Heart (2 times)
- Lights Of Home (2 times)
- Love Is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way (2 times)
- October (2 times)
- Out of Control (2 times)
- Stay (Faraway, So Close!) (2 times)
- Stories for Boys (2 times)
- Summer Of Love (2 times)
- The Blackout (2 times)
- The Ocean (2 times)
- Twilight (2 times)
- Vertigo (2 times)
- Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (2 times)
- You're The Best Thing About Me (2 times)
- Zoo Station (2 times)
- 40 (1 time)
- A Sort Of Homecoming (1 time)
- Bad (1 time)
- I Fall Down (1 time)
- I Threw a Brick Through a Window (1 time)
- MLK (1 time)
- Party Girl (1 time)
- Red Flag Day (1 time)
- Rejoice (1 time)
- Seconds (1 time)
- Sunday Bloody Sunday (1 time)
- The Unforgettable Fire (1 time)
- Things To Make And Do (1 time)
- Touch (1 time)
- Two Hearts Beat as One (1 time)
- Wire (1 time)
We found 16 different snippets played during these shows.
- Vertigo (3 times)
- Hall of Mirrors (2 times)
- Invisible (2 times)
- Ode To Joy (2 times)
- Women of the World (2 times)
- All You Need Is Love (1 time)
- Amazing Grace (1 time)
- Hear Us Coming (1 time)
- I'm Waiting For The Man (1 time)
- One (1 time)
- Patti Smith's Gloria (1 time)
- Rebel Rebel (1 time)
- Send in the Clowns (1 time)
- The Jean Genie (1 time)
- Three Little Birds (1 time)
- Wooden Heart (1 time)
Songs from 12 U2 albums have been played during these shows. Snippets are not counted.
- Boy (9 songs)
- Songs of Experience (8 songs)
- The Unforgettable Fire (6 songs)
- Achtung Baby (5 songs)
- October (5 songs)
- War (5 songs)
- B-Sides (3 songs)
- All That You Can't Leave Behind (2 songs)
- How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (2 songs)
- Unreleased Songs (2 songs)
- Non-album songs (1 song)
- Zooropa (1 song)
Opening songs
Closing songs
The most accurate U2 setlist archive on the web.
Often plagiarised, never matched.
Often plagiarised, never matched.