We found 4 listings for Slane. Select a show for details. Below the concert list is a list of all songs and snippets played at this location. Click on the song title to view the song's page, containing details of every known performance. Click on the number in brackets beside the song's title to view the dates on which it was performed at this location.
- 1984-07-08 - Slane, Ireland - Slane Castle
- 1981-08-16 - Slane, Ireland - Slane Castle
- 2001-08-25 - Slane, Ireland - Slane Castle
- 2001-09-01 - Slane, Ireland - Slane Castle
Various Dates
October Tour
Elevation Tour
We found 41 different songs played during these shows.
- Beautiful Day (2 times)
- Bullet the Blue Sky (2 times)
- Desire (2 times)
- Elevation (2 times)
- I Will Follow (2 times)
- Kite (2 times)
- Mysterious Ways (2 times)
- New Year's Day (2 times)
- One (2 times)
- Out of Control (2 times)
- Pride (In the Name of Love) (2 times)
- Staring at the Sun (2 times)
- Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of (2 times)
- Sunday Bloody Sunday (2 times)
- Until the End of the World (2 times)
- Wake Up Dead Man (2 times)
- Walk On (2 times)
- Where the Streets Have No Name (2 times)
- With or Without You (2 times)
- 11 O'Clock Tick Tock (1 time)
- A Sort Of Homecoming (1 time)
- All I Want Is You (1 time)
- An Cat Dubh (1 time)
- Angel of Harlem (1 time)
- Bad (1 time)
- Blowin' In The Wind (1 time)
- Boy-Girl (1 time)
- Dancing in the Moonlight (1 time)
- Fire (1 time)
- Gloria (1 time)
- Happy Birthday (1 time)
- I Threw a Brick Through a Window (1 time)
- In a Little While (1 time)
- Into the Heart (1 time)
- Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat (1 time)
- October (1 time)
- Rejoice (1 time)
- Stories for Boys (1 time)
- The Ocean (1 time)
- Twilight (1 time)
- With a Shout (Jerusalem) (1 time)
We found 10 different snippets played during these shows.
- Hear Us Coming (2 times)
- Shine Like Stars (2 times)
- When Will I See You Again (2 times)
- 40 (1 time)
- Fool To Cry (1 time)
- Get Up Stand Up (1 time)
- I'm A Believer (1 time)
- Sexual Healing (1 time)
- Two Tribes (1 time)
- Yellow (1 time)
Songs from 12 U2 albums have been played during these shows. Snippets are not counted.
- Boy (7 songs)
- All That You Can't Leave Behind (6 songs)
- October (6 songs)
- Achtung Baby (3 songs)
- Cover songs (3 songs)
- Rattle And Hum (3 songs)
- The Joshua Tree (3 songs)
- The Unforgettable Fire (3 songs)
- Pop (2 songs)
- War (2 songs)
- B-Sides (1 song)
- Non-album songs (1 song)
Opening songs
Closing songs
The most accurate U2 setlist archive on the web.
Often plagiarised, never matched.
Often plagiarised, never matched.