Your personal U2 concert statistics
Here is the list of details calculated from your show selection.
If you click a song's name, it will direct you to the song's page, which lists all known performances in U2's history. In brackets beside the song's name is the amount of times it was played at the shows you selected; click this number to see at which selected shows it was played.
To create your own personal show charts click here.
You've selected 4 performances.
You've seen 4 regular concerts and have 0 upcoming concerts.
You've seen 0 Various Date/Promo Tour performances.
- 2005-12-09 - Buffalo, USA - HSBC Arena
- 2009-09-16 - Toronto, Canada - Rogers Centre
- 2011-07-08 - Montreal, Canada - Hippodrome de Montréal
- 2011-07-11 - Toronto, Canada - Rogers Centre
Vertigo Tour
360° Tour
We found 42 different songs played during these shows.
- Beautiful Day (4 times)
- City of Blinding Lights (4 times)
- Elevation (4 times)
- I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (4 times)
- One (4 times)
- Sunday Bloody Sunday (4 times)
- Until the End of the World (4 times)
- Vertigo (4 times)
- Where the Streets Have No Name (4 times)
- With or Without You (4 times)
- Get on Your Boots (3 times)
- I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (3 times)
- Miss Sarajevo (3 times)
- Moment of Surrender (3 times)
- Mysterious Ways (3 times)
- Pride (In the Name of Love) (3 times)
- Stay (Faraway, So Close!) (3 times)
- Walk On (3 times)
- Even Better Than The Real Thing (2 times)
- Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me (2 times)
- I Will Follow (2 times)
- Scarlet (2 times)
- The Fly (2 times)
- Zooropa (2 times)
- 40 (1 time)
- Breathe (1 time)
- Bullet the Blue Sky (1 time)
- Gloria (1 time)
- Instant Karma! (1 time)
- Love and Peace or Else (1 time)
- Magnificent (1 time)
- MLK (1 time)
- No Line On The Horizon (1 time)
- Original Of The Species (1 time)
- Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own (1 time)
- Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of (1 time)
- The Ocean (1 time)
- The Unforgettable Fire (1 time)
- Ultraviolet (Light My Way) (1 time)
- Unknown Caller (1 time)
- Yahweh (1 time)
- Your Blue Room (1 time)
We found 30 different snippets played during these shows.
- Anthem (2 times)
- Discothèque (2 times)
- Help (2 times)
- Life During Wartime (2 times)
- Psycho Killer (2 times)
- Space Oddity (2 times)
- The Promised Land (2 times)
- Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (2 times)
- Alison (1 time)
- All You Need Is Love (1 time)
- Amazing Grace (1 time)
- Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough (1 time)
- Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (1 time)
- Hear Us Coming (1 time)
- In a Little While (1 time)
- Miss You (1 time)
- Oliver's Army (1 time)
- Pump It Up (1 time)
- Rain (1 time)
- Rock The Casbah (1 time)
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1 time)
- Someone Somewhere In Summertime (1 time)
- Stand By Me (1 time)
- Television Screen (1 time)
- The Hands That Built America (1 time)
- Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World (1 time)
- Van Morrison's Gloria (1 time)
- When Johnny Comes Marching Home (1 time)
- Where Have All The Flowers Gone? (1 time)
- You'll Never Walk Alone (1 time)
Songs from 13 U2 albums have been played during these shows. Snippets are not counted.
- No Line on the Horizon (7 songs)
- Achtung Baby (6 songs)
- How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (6 songs)
- All That You Can't Leave Behind (4 songs)
- The Joshua Tree (4 songs)
- The Unforgettable Fire (3 songs)
- Boy (2 songs)
- October (2 songs)
- Passengers: Original Soundtracks 1 (2 songs)
- War (2 songs)
- Zooropa (2 songs)
- Cover songs (1 song)
- Non-album songs (1 song)
Opening songs
Closing songs
Shows by tour
Shows by city
Shows by country
Some random pictures from the shows you've seen.
The most accurate U2 setlist archive on the web.
Often plagiarised, never matched.
Often plagiarised, never matched.