Your personal U2 concert statistics
Here is the list of details calculated from your show selection.
If you click a song's name, it will direct you to the song's page, which lists all known performances in U2's history. In brackets beside the song's name is the amount of times it was played at the shows you selected; click this number to see at which selected shows it was played.
To create your own personal show charts click here.
You've selected 14 performances.
You've seen 14 regular concerts and have 0 upcoming concerts.
You've seen 0 Various Date/Promo Tour performances.
- 1987-12-08 - Atlanta, USA - The Omni
- 1992-03-07 - Hampton, USA - Hampton Coliseum
- 1992-08-15 - Washington, USA - Robert F. Kennedy Stadium
- 1992-08-16 - Washington, USA - Robert F. Kennedy Stadium
- 1997-05-16 - Clemson, USA - Death Valley Stadium
- 1997-05-26 - Washington, USA - Robert F. Kennedy Stadium
- 1997-11-12 - Jacksonville, USA - Municipal Stadium
- 1997-11-26 - Atlanta, USA - Georgia Dome
- 2001-06-14 - Washington, USA - MCI Center
- 2009-10-01 - Charlottesville, USA - Scott Stadium
- 2009-10-03 - Raleigh, USA - Carter-Finley Stadium
- 2011-06-22 - Baltimore, USA - M&T Bank Stadium
- 2011-07-02 - Nashville, USA - Vanderbilt Stadium
- 2017-06-20 - Landover, USA - FedEx Field
Joshua Tree Tour
PopMart Tour
Elevation Tour
360° Tour
Joshua Tree Tour 2017
We found 74 different songs played during these shows.
- Where the Streets Have No Name (14 times)
· 1987-12-08 - Atlanta
· 1992-03-07 - Hampton
· 1992-08-15 - Washington
· 1992-08-16 - Washington
· 1997-05-16 - Clemson
· 1997-05-26 - Washington
· 1997-11-12 - Jacksonville
· 1997-11-26 - Atlanta
· 2001-06-14 - Washington
· 2009-10-01 - Charlottesville
· 2009-10-03 - Raleigh
· 2011-06-22 - Baltimore
· 2011-07-02 - Nashville
· 2017-06-20 - Landover
· 1987-12-08 - Atlanta
· 1992-03-07 - Hampton
· 1992-08-15 - Washington
· 1992-08-16 - Washington
· 1997-05-16 - Clemson
· 1997-05-26 - Washington
· 1997-11-12 - Jacksonville
· 1997-11-26 - Atlanta
· 2001-06-14 - Washington
· 2009-10-01 - Charlottesville
· 2009-10-03 - Raleigh
· 2011-06-22 - Baltimore
· 2011-07-02 - Nashville
· 2017-06-20 - Landover