U2 Anaheim 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360ana
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Anaheim with the hashtag #u2360ana. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 4248 tweets for the hashtag #u2360ana between 1 Jun 2011, 06:20 and 1 Jul 2011, 22:12 PDT
TAME ROGOU PRAGA HAHAH RT @atu2: Text says Edge was having trouble with his guitar at start of Vertigo. Dallas rescued him. #u2360ana
RT @atu2: Text says Edge was having trouble with his guitar at start of Vertigo. Dallas rescued him. #u2360ana
RT @atu2: Text says Edge was having trouble with his guitar at start of Vertigo. Dallas rescued him. #u2360ana
Gave in and got on the laptop after seeing (hopeful)predictions of Discotheque played tonight. Now streaming #U2360ANA ;)
@juliettrosefans YES I DOOO #U2360ANA
"Uno, dos, tres, catorce." #U2360ANA
RT @juliettrosefans: I KNOW, IT'S ONLY ROCK'N ROLL, BUT I LIKE IT, LIKE IT!!!!!!! #U2360ANA
@waltcast_katie first U2 show was #u2360FOX - two more for her this summer #U2360ANA
17. Vertigo #U2360ANA
Vertigem - é assim que estamos depois de chacoalhados por esse set list #U2360ANA
"@u2gigs: Hello, my name is NLOTH and I'm wondering if my four fathers still love me. #U2360ANA" ► hahahaha so true!!
Anaheim 2 Setlist: 17. Vertigo #u2 #u2360 #u2360ANA
Uno, Dos, Tres, Catorce!!!! #u2360ANA
1, 2 ,3 .. 14!!!!!!! #U2360ANA
Uno, dos, tres ...CATORCE!!! #U2360ANA
Vertigo #U2360Ana
@mariashriver So happy U2 dedicated Pride to you last night. Glad to be in the same place with you sharing the love. #u2360ana
Vertigo is after City as it has been every night of the tour thus far; will the trend continue at Glastonbury? #U2360ANA
HONEY! I'm HOME!!!!!! #u2360ANA
RT @partygirlu2: Anaheim nunca mais será a mesma depois do show do U2 de hoje.Set-list surreal!!! #U2360Ana
17. Vertigo #u2360ana
Anaheim 2 Setlist: 16. Vertigo #u2 #u2360 #u2360ANA
RT @StephFerry: Wow! U2 just switched it around in #U2360ANA cc @Ericpop #U2mtl #U2360MTL Mtl shows will be epic
#u2360ANA 17. Vertigo and the usual setlist it's coming, no more surprises tonight?
RT @anaannegues: O set list mais samba do crioulo doido de todos os tempos, né U2? #U2360ANA
17-Vertigo - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360ANA #U2360USA #U2News
17. Vertigo #U2360ANA
Go Crazy (remix) #U2360ANA
RT @u2gigs: If from there they do Vertigo, Crazy, SBS, Scarlet, Walk On, enc UV, WOWY, MOS, that will get us to 24 songs, the usual amount. #U2360ANA
#16. Vertigo #U2360ANA
17.Vertigo #U2360ANA #u2 #u2360
Wow! U2 just switched it around in #U2360ANA cc @Ericpop #U2mtl #U2360MTL Mtl shows will be epic
RT: @anaannegues: O set list mais samba do crioulo doido de todos os tempos, né U2? #U2360ANA
Elevate my Vertigo #U2360ANA
If from there they do Vertigo, Crazy, SBS, Scarlet, Walk On, enc UV, WOWY, MOS, that will get us to 24 songs, the usual amount. #U2360ANA
Tiiiiime, won't take the boy out of this man indeed!! #U2360ANA
Buenas, gente! Tô vendo que tivemos mudanças DRÁSTICAS no setlist do U2 hoje... U2360ANA
RT @Ehud97: #U2360ANA 2 Sin Duda es ya un #U2Bootlegnecesario ....
RT @catygomes: Q MERDA RT @Baformiga Momento das jaquetas reluzentes. #U2360ANA
#U2360ANA @u2radiocom #U2 I LOVE U2 4eva! I Am So Grateful 4 UR beautiful Music In Songs! www.stickam.com/viewMed...
6.30 am and I'm pretty much running around my house!!! #BANANA #U2360ANA