U2 Anaheim 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360ana
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Anaheim with the hashtag #u2360ana. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 4248 tweets for the hashtag #u2360ana between 1 Jun 2011, 06:20 and 1 Jul 2011, 22:12 PDT
Faaaaack. Shoutcast is being an ass for streaming #U2360ANA on my phone.
I (Matkin) second that wish for a Passengers segment #U2360ANA
@u2gigs And Always Forever Now - best bassline on that Album!!! #U2360ANA
RT @u2gigs: I (Ax) vote for a Passengers segment. Let's have some Your Blue Room, Slug, Beach Sequence, and One Minute Warning action! #U2360ANA
RT @MargaretRvrWine: I wish I was there #U2360ANA following the set list is making me jealous
I am very curious about the encores tonight; will there still be two, or just one? If two, what will be put in there? #U2360ANA
Ahora me pregunto si Bono va gritar de nuevo "México" o "Viva México" en Vertigo. #U2360ANA
I (Ax) vote for a Passengers segment. Let's have some Your Blue Room, Slug, Beach Sequence, and One Minute Warning action! #U2360ANA
RT @MargaretRvrWine: I wish I was there #U2360ANA following the set list is making me jealous
I wish I was there #U2360ANA following the set list is making me jealous
Daqui a pouco rola Gone... #U2360ANA
@stevenwacker Digging the show? Wish I could be there! I saw some them on their first four tours in their heyday! Still great! #U2360ANA
Poxa! Sempre bato na tecla: deixem Miss Sarajevo um pouco de lado e tragam outras de volta! #U2360ANA
Que show diferente esse do U2 hoje! #U2360ANA
Podiam ter tocado outra música do No Line no lugar de Boots, né não? #U2360ANA
Video from #u2360ANA 10 sec. of delay www.ustream.tv/channel/...
RT @partygirlu2: E ressuscitou o Achtung Baby! #U2360Ana RT @VickyHewson: U2 jogou o No Line no vento bonito....
Miss Sarajevo #U2360ANA
14. Miss Sarajevo #U2360ANA
So we're organizing the set by album tonight? :) #u2360ana
14.Miss Sarajevo #u2360ana
Miss Sarajevo #U2360ANA
Anaheim 2 Setlist: 14. Miss Sarajevo #u2 #u2360 #u2360ANA
Miss Sarajevo follows #U2360ANA
Miss Sarajevo #U2360Ana
#u2360ANA 14. Miss Sarajevo
14-Miss Sarajevo - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360ANA #U2360USA #U2News
14. Miss Sarajevo #U2360ANA
14.Miss Sarajevo #U2360ANA
#14. Miss Sarajevo #U2360ANA
RT @partygirlu2: E ressuscitou o Achtung Baby! #U2360Ana RT @VickyHewson: U2 jogou o No Line no vento bonito....
RT @u2gigs Hello, my name is NLOTH and I'm wondering if my four fathers still love me. #U2360ANA
Arrastou o NLOTH no chão da medina! #U2360ANA RT @u2ers: #OClone RT @VickyHewson U2 jogou o No Line no vento bonito....
E ressuscitou o Achtung Baby! #U2360Ana RT @VickyHewson: U2 jogou o No Line no vento bonito....
Threw my horns up to Bono! „/ #U2360ANA #U2
:-( RT @u2gigs Hello, my name is NLOTH and I'm wondering if my four fathers still love me. #U2360ANA
We're entering The Unforgettable Fire...wonder if they'll do two UF tracks in a row? #U2360ANA
RT @u2gigs: Hello, my name is NLOTH and I'm wondering if my four fathers still love me. #U2360ANA
#U2360ANA... Así es como yo soñé que iba a ser lo que iba a ver/escuchar el día que fui a #U2360MEX u___u For real!
RT @u2gigs: Hello, my name is NLOTH and I'm wondering if my four fathers still love me. #U2360ANA
Pride #U2360ana #U2360