U2 Anaheim 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360ana
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Anaheim with the hashtag #u2360ana. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 4248 tweets for the hashtag #u2360ana between 1 Jun 2011, 06:20 and 1 Jul 2011, 22:12 PDT
#U2360ANA - playing all my favs. Mysterious Ways now playing
well, F$%&. The speakers in my P.O.S. computer have now officially died. No stream for me. #u2360ana
And the next is...probably Orgulho #U2360ANA
RT @FrasesDeU2: Bono dedica "stay" a Chris Blackwell quien esta en casa #U2360ANA
As much as I hate LA, I kinda wish I was in Anaheim right now. Listening to the feed is making me needy. #u2360ANA
RT @atu2: 09 - All I Want Is You #u2360ANA
saporra atingiu o limite de ouvintes!! APAPORRAA VIU!! #U2360ANA
Bono dedica "stay" a Chris Blackwell quien esta en casa #U2360ANA
RT @MCBrennan Bono dedicates "stay" to Chris Blackwell who is in the house. #U2360ANA (via @atu2)
RT @u2aovivo: nosso stream está no ar, galera!! www.u2br.com #U2360ANA
"@t1c1: #U2 manager Paul McGuiness onstage for the first time! yfrog.com/gz56wcpj #U2360 #U2360ANA" ///
RT @liliperucchi: Não estou conseguindo aguentar. Estou me rendendo ao sono. #U2360ANA
RT @u2ers: Provavelmente a versão balada night de Magnificent #U2360ANA
10. Stay (Faraway, So Close!) #U2360ANA
#U2360ANA These guys have some hits
Setlist do #U2360ANA sem surpresas até o momento. noticierou2.blogspot.co...
#escuchando stay u2radio.com/live/ #U2360ANA (far away so close)
nosso stream está no ar, galera!! www.u2br.com #U2360ANA
Setlist do #U2360ANA sem surpresas. noticierou2.blogspot.co...
RT @atu2: RT @MCBrennan Bono dedicates "stay" to Chris Blackwell who is in the house. #u2360ana
O McGuiness no palco, #choque *-* #U2360ANA
RT @ultravioletu2: RT @u2ers #U2 manager Paul McGuiness onstage for the first time! yfrog.com/gz56wcpj #U2360ANA
Setlist Anaheim 1: 9. Stay (Far Away, So Close!) #u2 #u2360 #u2360ANA
#U2360ANA 9- Stay
RT @MCBrennan Bono dedicates "stay" to Chris Blackwell who is in the house. #u2360ana
RT @andressaramalho: O.O RT @U2_NT RT @t1c1 #U2 manager Paul McGuiness onstage for the first time! yfrog.com/gz56wcpj #U2360 #U2360ANA
RT @u2_news: RT @t1c1: #U2 manager Paul McGuiness onstage for the first time! yfrog.com/gz56wcpj #U2360 #U2360ANA
Bono dedicates "stay" to Chris Blackwell who is in the house. #u2360ana
RT @U2tour: U2 live from Anaheim: u2radio.com/live/ #u2 #u2360 #u2360ANA
ouvindo o #U2 "Stay" s2s2s2 #U2360ANA
Big thanks to the band for playing our wedding dong "All I Want is U". Great anniversary present! #U2360ANA
09. Stay #U2360ANA
RT @U2tour: U2 live from Anaheim: u2radio.com/live/ #u2 #u2360 #u2360ANA
10-Stay (Faraway, So Close!) - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360ANA #U2360USA #U2News
10. Stay #U2360ANA
10- Stay #U2360ANA
9. Stay #U2360ANA
10 - Stay #U2360ANA
RT @t1c1: #U2 manager Paul McGuiness onstage for the first time! yfrog.com/gz56wcpj #U2360 #U2360ANA
O.O RT @U2_NT RT @t1c1 #U2 manager Paul McGuiness onstage for the first time! yfrog.com/gz56wcpj #U2360 #U2360ANA
10. Stay!!! #U2360ANA
#U2360ANA stay
Edge=city planner, bono=theatre critic. #u2360ana