U2 Baltimore 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360bal
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Baltimore with the hashtag #u2360bal. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1852 tweets for the hashtag #u2360bal between 6 Jun 2011, 08:45 and 3 Jul 2011, 20:47 EDT

Lucky you! Can't wait to hear all about it- I've seen them over 15 times! RT @TinaStarkey In the name of love! #U2360bal

RT @u2_news: RT @SaZoART: #U2 live from #Baltimore...!!!! 360Tour twitpic.com/5ffurl #U2 #U2360 #U2360BAL

RT @u2_news: RT @SaZoART: #U2 live from #Baltimore...!!!! 360Tour twitpic.com/5ffurl #U2 #U2360 #U2360BAL

16. I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (remix) #U2360BAL

@ultravioletu2 em q link consigo escutar o show? #U2360BAL

16- Crazy Tonight #U2360BAL
Nossa, isso é que é ser boa: acompanhar um jogo de futebol e um show do U2 ao mesmo tempo... rsrsrs Prefiro o show... ♥ #U2360BAL

16-I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360BAL #U2360USA #U2News

16. I'll Go Crazy #U2360BAL

@frasesdeu2 onde eu consigo escutar o show #U2360BAL ???

#U2360BAL Bongo Crazy

Oops, got distracted sorry! vertigo is next as usual. #U2360BAL

Where The Streets Have No Name#U2360BAL

RT: @jeedarmawan: #U2's spaceship is ready to launch, setting the stadium ablaze with energy. #U2360BAL yfrog.com/kj5cxxj
“@atu2: 02 - The Fly #u2360BAL” heaven

VERTIGO!!! #u2 #U2360 #u2360BAL MY FAV SONG

please, a link to listen to the show! #U2360BAL

RT @u2mexico: 12. Miss Sarajevo #U2360BAL

RT @u2gigs: If you need to catch up on the full setlist, it is here: www.u2gigs.com/article8... #U2360BAL

RT @u2gigs: Just like #U2360BRA inspired thoughts of one new piece of merch, #U2360BAL just makes me (Ax) think of a U2360 ball. Look Ed ...

Yeah, but he hates muslims. Bono can keep the shades. RT @BaltoBeerBaron: At least Morrissey takes his shades off for a concert. #U2360BAL

Podiam ter cantado Stay (Faraway, so close) aqui também! #U2360BAL

15- Vertigo #U2360BAL

#U2 #U2360BAL 10- Elevation 11- Pride 12- Miss Sarajevo 13- Zooropa 14- City Of Blinding Lights 15- Vertigo
Quero mais um show.... :( #U2360BAL

É ruim pensar que em algum lugar do mundo, a essa hora, U2 está tocando e eu não estou lá #prontofalei #U2360BAL #livefromBaltimore

RT @u2gigs: Just like #U2360BRA inspired thoughts of one new piece of merch, #U2360BAL just makes me (Ax) think of a U2360 ball. Look Ed ...

RT @u2radiocom: Attention!! @ritababy needs ONE more follower to hit the 1000 follower mark. #U2360BAL

At least Morrissey takes his shades off for a concert. #U2360BAL

RT @u2radiocom: Attention!! @ritababy needs ONE more follower to hit the 1000 follower mark. #U2360BAL
....And I miss you when you're not around #U2360BAL

minha favorita *-* UNO DOS TRES ...CATORCE !! U2360BAL

15. Vertigo #U2360BAL
RT @u2gigs: Just like #U2360BRA inspired thoughts of one new piece of merch, #U2360BAL just makes me (Ax) think of a U2360 ball. Look Ed ...

RT @u2gigs: Just like #U2360BRA inspired thoughts of one new piece of merch, #U2360BAL just makes me (Ax) think of a U2360 ball. Look Ed ...

Vertigo #U2360BAL

RT @atu2: 15 - Vertigo #u2360BAL

Just like #U2360BRA inspired thoughts of one new piece of merch, #U2360BAL just makes me (Ax) think of a U2360 ball. Look Edge, a beachball.

15-Vertigo - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360BAL #U2360USA #U2News

15. Vertigo #U2360BAL