U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
E nós aqui doidos pra estar la.. ¬¬ #U2360EDM
Esse povo do norte não sabe aproveitar o espetáculo de luzes do palco e inventam de colocar o show ainda sob luz do dia! =P #U2360EDM
RT @u2gigs: I love the hashtag, by the way. I keep reading it as "U2 360 Electronic Dance Music". Is that when they play Crazy Tonight x24? #U2360EDM
U2 setlist Edmonton: 6. Elevation #u2 #u2360 #u2360edm
@katrinarowe I'm honestly so sad/envious/mad/pouting.. I can't stand it. Reading the set list.. I'm with you in spirit! #U2360EDM
#U2360EDM Elevation
RT @U2_News: 05-Mysterious Ways - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
sorry but we don't have any news about the concert..we'll post the setlist after... tnx #U2360EDM
RT @u2gigs: RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
06 - Elevation #U2360EDM
RT @U2_News: RT @Diana75: On the 360 screen or as Bono said the 325. #U2 twitpic.com/55pp1k #U2360 #U2360EDM
05 - Mysterious ways #U2360EDM
RT @U2_News: 03-Get On Your Boots - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
Sixth is Elevation as expected. #U2360EDM
#U2360EDM Mysterious Ways
#U2360EDM tonight... Aw aw aw! #quisieraestarahi
Can hear every word from Bono's mouth clearly. I'm sitting on the couch in my house a km away #U2360EDM
RT @atu2: 6. Elevation #u2360edm
#U2360EDM Magnificent
#U2360EDM Get on Your Boots
06-Elevation - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
no esta muy claro cual fue la segunda cancion de #U2360EDM. Aparentemente fue I Will Follow. pendiente de confirmar.
Ok so the list of the songs so far are: 1.EBTTRT 2.IWF 3.Boots 4.Magnificent 5. Mysterious Ways.......#U2360EDM
And MW is in fifth like normal. Next two should be locks as well, but will AIWIY keep sticking around in 8th? I hope so. #U2360EDM
U2 setlist Edmonton: 5. Mysterious Ways #u2 #u2360 #u2360edm
05-Mysterious Ways - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
Tá dificil hoje, hein... #U2360EDM =[
Totally appreciate all the #U2360EDM tweets.. in my hotel room living through you all at the concert!! #yegmusic
04 - Magnificent #U2360EDM
03 - Get on your boots #U2360EDM
RT @U2_News: 03-Get On Your Boots - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
I love the hashtag, by the way. I keep reading it as "U2 360 Electronic Dance Music". Is that when they play Crazy Tonight x24? #U2360EDM
02 - I will follow #U2360EDM
04-Magnificent - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
can u help us?????? RT @U2tour Edmonton can you hear us? #u2 #u2360 #u2360edm
By the way, here's our usual article with all we know about the set, updated live: www.u2gigs.com/article8... #U2360EDM
03-Get On Your Boots - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
02-I Will Follow (SIN CONFIRMAR) - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EDM #U2360CAN #U2News
Edmonton can you hear us? #u2 #u2360 #u2360edm
RT @Edmontonsun: Send us your photos of the #U2360EDM concert. We'd love to see them! www.edmontonsun.com/you...
RT @u2mexico: #U2360EDM Space Oddity. Comenzamos!!!
RT @edmontonjournal: Have you got photos from the #U2360EDM show? We want to see them! www.journalexpress.com/... #yeg #U2 #yegmusic
esse povo nao serve nem pra ajudar na cobertura do show viu #U2360EDM ... alguem por favor pode nos informar o set list....