U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
Apparently #u2360edm has already screwed with lrt service. Hope you aren't in a hurry. If this concert was dt I could walk...
#u2360edm no more old dudes with "the never-ending story" head bands passion me in line!! Let's see your number!!
get pumped kids..the gates of the #U2360EDM concert open in less than 20 mins..the only thing is we have to put up with #TheFray opening!
41st in line for #U2360EDM GA floor. Front row again!
Doors are about to open!! #U2360EDM
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 on police escort into city #yeg #U2360edm
Overwhelmed by the ##u2360edm talk on Twitter? See the best of the 'net here: storify.com/edmontonsun... #yeg
RT @u2gigs: RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
RT @Edmontonsun: twitvid.com/JQ9NU - U2 heading off to the show. #yeg #U2360EDM
RT @Edmontonsun: twitvid.com/JQ9NU - U2 heading off to the show. #yeg #U2360EDM
RT @Edmontonsun: twitvid.com/JQ9NU - U2 heading off to the show. #yeg #U2360EDM
RT @Edmontonsun: twitvid.com/JQ9NU - U2 heading off to the show. #yeg #U2360EDM
RT @Edmontonsun: twitvid.com/Q916A - U2 plane arriving. #yeg #U2360edm
twitvid.com/JQ9NU - U2 heading off to the show. #yeg #U2360EDM
twitvid.com/Q916A - U2 plane arriving. #yeg #U2360edm
RT @sarahstonej333: I'd rather be in (RED)monton tonight! #U2360EDM <--Me too!
@Marty_Chan This is getting ridiculous. #U2360EDM
#u2360edm wearing red for the concert
RT @U2comZooMods: Reminder that there is still time to enter the @U2com #U2 CAKE COMPETITION, open to ALL U2.com members community.u2.com/topic/... #u2360EDM
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #yeg #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 on police escort into city #yeg #U2360edm
@thiagocholant kkkkkkkk... tá atacado hj hein??? Gongando o Edge e o Bono, vai ouvir o show de hj #U2360EDM ?
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 on police escort into city #yeg #U2360edm
U2 mania!! On my way there #U2360CAN #U2360EDM
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 on police escort into city #yeg #U2360edm
I hope Bono still remembers me from the last time we saw each other 5 years ago. #U2360EDM
U2 on police escort into city #yeg #U2360edm
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #yeg #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
RT @Jasmine09: U2 coming into #yeg at the Shell Aerocentre ie. International Airport at 6 p.m. Media already there! #U2360Edm
RT @U2comZooMods: The eagle has landed, erm, we mean the lads, are you ready Edmonton? #u2360can #u2360edm
RT @u2gigs: RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #yeg #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
Reminder that there is still time to enter the @U2com #U2 CAKE COMPETITION, open to ALL U2.com members community.u2.com/topic/... #u2360EDM
RT @U2comZooMods: The eagle has landed, erm, we mean the lads, are you ready Edmonton? #u2360can #u2360edm
RT @U2comZooMods: The eagle has landed, erm, we mean the lads, are you ready Edmonton? #u2360can #u2360edm
#yeg fans have distributed 3000 red balloons to welcome U2 to the city #U2360EDM
The eagle has landed, erm, we mean the lads, are you ready Edmonton? #u2360can #u2360edm
RT @EdgeFest: Live feed from U2 Edmonton - soundcheck twitcasting.tv/edgefest... #U2360EDM
RT @u2gigs: RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
RT @u2gigs: RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
RT @u2gigs: RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #yeg #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #yeg #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj
@EdgeFest Thanks for the link. #U2360EDM
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj