U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
@francisdarche RT “@atu2: An entire news article dedicated to @EdgeFest in her hometown newspaper. Congrats! www.leaderpost.com/ente... #u2360edm”
@karstenerzinger I'm glad it worked out! Amazing #U2360EDM show last night :)
“@hjwallace1: Angel Edge and his halo... #U2360EDM @Edgefest twitpic.com/55yvd6” This is an awesome photo!
Another great concert trip w/ @CalgaryMoose ! Why do I always feel like crap the next day after? Umm, beer, late night, early am. #U2360EDM
Should I be concerned that only one ear is ringing still from #U2360EDM? Still so worth it after a night like that.
I swear I just saw @vwayner's Bono/Brule video on CBC's The National. Awesome! #U2360EDM
RT @edmontonjournal: Were you affected by cell phone outage at #U2360EDM? Journal reporter Andrea Sands (429-5274 or @ansands) wants to ...
@u2gigs ANOTHER #u2360edm snippet: "Get Off My Cloud," following either "I Will Follow" or "Get On Your Boots."
RT @martahU2: #U2360EDM RT @U2_NT 200 super awesome shots of Edmonton, plus band members pics updated www.facebook.com/pages/...
#U2360EDM RT @U2_NT 200 super awesome shots of Edmonton, plus band members pics updated www.facebook.com/pages/...
Awesome photos from #U2360EDM -- thanks again @RayMuzyka !
RT @martahU2: RT @U2_NT Oilers' Brule gives U2's Bono a lift www.cbc.ca/sports/hocke... (WITH VIDEO from Oiler's Brule exclusive interview.) #U2360EDM
RT @U2_NT Oilers' Brule gives U2's Bono a lift www.cbc.ca/sports/hocke... (WITH VIDEO from Oiler's Brule exclusive interview.) #U2360EDM
Twitter: U2 360 Tour in Edmonton - a set on Flickr: My photos from #U2360EDM www.flickr.com/photos/l... www.flickr.com/photos/l...
My photos from #U2360EDM www.flickr.com/photos/l...
RT @edmontonjournal: Have a look at the great #U2360EDM fan photos submitted so far: www.edmontonjournal.com... Please upload yours here: http:/ ...
RT @martahU2: U2 in Commonwealth Stadium, Edmonton (01/06) – Setlist, Videos and Photos #U2360EDM u2nt.com/2011/06/u2-in-... via @U2_NT
RT @RobbinReay: U2 Bono's Edmonton 360 Speech About Band Being Oilers #U2360EDM www.youtube.com/watch?v... via @U2_NT
RT @Lynn_100302: RT @martahU2 WITH VIDEO: Bono a hitchhiker?? #U2360EDM u2nt.com/2011/06/bono-a... via @U2_NT
same!“@mykidsmom383: not sitting! We had general admission and were in the back of the inner circle against the catwalk! #awesome #U2360edm”
@momstownEdmNrth not sitting! We had general admission and were in the back of the inner circle against the catwalk! #awesome #U2360edm
RT @vwayner: Bono's speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2
RT @edmontonjournal: Have a look at the great #U2360EDM fan photos submitted so far: www.edmontonjournal.com... Please upload yours here: http:/ ...