U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT

Awake and ready to talk #U2360EDM! Chat with me, @bengelinas and @Sperounes in 10 minutes at www.edmontonjournal.com... #yeg

RT @hjwallace1: When Bono performed Miss Sarajevo I heard people around me say "WOW!" Such power in his voice. #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55z3zb

RT @hjwallace1: When Bono performed Miss Sarajevo I heard people around me say "WOW!" Such power in his voice. #U2360EDM twitpic. ...

When Bono performed Miss Sarajevo I heard people around me say "WOW!" Such power in his voice. #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55z3zb

When Bono performed Miss Sarajevo I heard people around me say "WOW!" Such power in his voice. #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55z3zb
RT @hjwallace1: He wowed me, I love the way he plays with such emotion! @360FromTheEdge from #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55z0m6
RT @hjwallace1: He wowed me, I love the way he plays with such emotion! @360FromTheEdge from #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55z0m6

@edmontonjournal #u2360edm thanks for the quote!! :)

@edmontonjournal #u2360edm thanks for the quote!! :)

He wowed me, I love the way he plays with such emotion! @360FromTheEdge from #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55z0m6

He wowed me, I love the way he plays with such emotion! @360FromTheEdge from #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55z0m6

#U2360EDM My #U2 concert pics from last night's Edmonton concert public.fotki.com/jahorr... Review to be posted later today.
RT @rYannbradleY: “@lkurylo: @rYannbradleY As promised...just one of a couple hundred or so photos from #U2360EDM inner circle. twitpic.com/55x8ax” AWESOME!!
RT @rYannbradleY: “@lkurylo: @rYannbradleY As promised...just one of a couple hundred or so photos from #U2360EDM inner circle. http://t ...

File this one under "craziest/bluriest photo" I took. #U2360EDM This was when they performed Stay. All 4 of them; twitpic.com/55yyt1

File this one under "craziest/bluriest photo" I took. #U2360EDM This was when they performed Stay. All 4 of them; twitpic.com/55yyt1

Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono www.edmontonjournal.com... #u2360edm #yeg

Oiler Brule gave lift to hitchhiking Bono www.edmontonjournal.com... #u2360edm #yeg

The Edge #U2360EDM [UC] www.facebook.com/photo....

The Edge #U2360EDM [UC] www.facebook.com/photo....
“@lkurylo: @rYannbradleY As promised...just one of a couple hundred or so photos from #U2360EDM inner circle. twitpic.com/55x8ax” AWESOME!!
“@lkurylo: @rYannbradleY As promised...just one of a couple hundred or so photos from #U2360EDM inner circle. twitpic.com/55x8ax” AWESOME!!

Adam #U2360EDM [UC] www.facebook.com/photo....

Adam #U2360EDM [UC] www.facebook.com/photo....

@ansands yes no 3G coverage all night at #U2360EDM. Infuriating!!! All us Telus people same. One girl on Rogers did have 3G working!

@ansands yes no 3G coverage all night at #U2360EDM. Infuriating!!! All us Telus people same. One girl on Rogers did have 3G working!

Bono is middle-aged now, but he's funkier, cooler, never been better on stage. blogs.edmontonjournal.c... #U2 #U2360EDM

Bono is middle-aged now, but he's funkier, cooler, never been better on stage. blogs.edmontonjournal.c... #U2 #U2360EDM

Cool! RT @edamame_kids: @edmontonjournal #U2360EDM Wow my quote made the front page of today's Edmonton Journal! Thanks!

Bono #U2360EDM [UC] www.facebook.com/photo....

Bono #U2360EDM [UC] www.facebook.com/photo....
glad it wasn't just me RT @edmontonjournal: Were you affected by cell phone outage at #U2360EDM? @ansands

RT @vwayner: Bono's speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers www.youtube.com/watch?v... #U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2

@hjwallace1 #u2360edm wonderful Pictures!!

@hjwallace1 #u2360edm wonderful Pictures!!
RT @hjwallace1: The first photo I took on my camera. I was right in front of The Edge for this concert. EBTTRT #U2360EDM @edgefes twitpic.com/55yr3y
RT @hjwallace1: The first photo I took on my camera. I was right in front of The Edge for this concert. EBTTRT #U2360EDM @edgefes http: ...