U2 Miami 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mia
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Miami with the hashtag #u2360mia. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1620 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mia between 13 Jun 2011, 23:46 and 3 Jul 2011, 20:37 EDT
RT @U2_News: RT @ogemarques: Bono: "Irish people are like Latin people who don't know how to dance." #U2360 Miami #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
RT @U2_News: RT @ogemarques: Bono: "Irish people are like Latin people who don't know how to dance." #U2360 Miami #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
RT @GloriaEstefan: Backstage at the U2 concert in Miami with The Edge and the fam...Amazing guitarist & band! yfrog.com/kf39ilsj #U2360MIA
RT @brickellirish @mexicanosenmia Enjoy the U2 concert! We have a live tribute 2nite #u2360mia www.socialmediabuddies.... / thanks we'll drop by l8r
RT @GissiJ: Irish people are like latin people that dont know how to dance... well theres an exception the Edge knows how to dance #u2360mia
RT @u2aovivo: RT @u2_news RT @ogemarques: Bono: "Irish people are like Latin people who don't know how to dance." #U2360 Miami #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
RT @partygirlu2: Q show animadozzZzzzZzzZzZzZZZzzz #U2360MIA
RT @u2_news RT @ogemarques: Bono: "Irish people are like Latin people who don't know how to dance." #U2360 Miami #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
RT @GissiJ: Irish people are like latin people that dont know how to dance.... well theres an exception the Edge knows how to dance #u2360mia #U2
Reckon we aren't going to see much setlist variety for the rest of the tour. Wonder if AIWIY will at least return & replace ISHF. #U2360MIA
RT @GissiJ: Irish people are like latin people that dont know how to dance.... well theres an exception the Edge knows how to dance #u2360mia #U2
RT @ogemarques: Bono: "Irish people are like Latin people who don't know how to dance." #U2360 Miami #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
Seems a lot quieter around here tonight... #U2360MIA
Irish people are like latin people that dont know how to dance.... well theres an exception the Edge knows how to dance #u2360mia #U2
RT @u2_news: RT @u2aovivo: RT @Kayleesg U2 in Miamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yfrog.com/kgxz6ulj #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
Esqueci da tag #U2360MIA
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Q show animadozzZzzzZzzZzZzZZZzzz #U2360MIA
RT @u2aovivo: RT @u2_news RT @christinagp: #u2360MiA get on your boots. yfrog.com/kklm1boj #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
RT @u2aovivo: RT @u2_news RT @christinagp: #u2360MiA get on your boots. yfrog.com/kklm1boj #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
The future needs a big kiss #U2360MIA
Via @christinagp, fifth and sixth are IWF and Boots. #U2360MIA
Follow the twitter streams tonight #U2360MIA htl.li/5tvse
RT @u2aovivo: 6. Get On Yout Boots #U2360MIA
RT @u2aovivo: RT @u2_news RT @dcaomi: Bono rocks... Awesome stage #u2360 yfrog.com/khe28frj #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA
6. Boots #u2360mia
06. Get On Yout Boots #U2360MIA
RT @u2aovivo: 6. Get On Yout Boots #U2360MIA
06. Get On Yout Boots #U2360MIA
6. Get On Yout Boots #U2360MIA
06-Get On Your Boots - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360MIA #U2360USA #U2News
RT @u2gigs: Until The End Of The World rocks up in fourth. #U2360MIA
Hello everybody! Is there a feed tonight? U2360MIA
Aiiii to perdendo o #U2360MIA
Melhor do show... Ver o larry x3 hahah #U2360MIA
05. I Will Follow #U2360MIA
5. i will follow #u2360mia
05. I Will Follow #U2360MIA
@ttcoymat Join us after the #u2360mia concert www.socialmediabuddies....