U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
Stop by the giant OJ place! SOO GOOD!! RT @evenko_en: Future maison de U2 -- FUture home of U2 #U2360MTL twitpic.com/55hd9m
RT @evenko: Ce matin direction Hippodrome de MTL pour une première visite avec les médias! #U2MTL #U2360MTL
RT @evenko_en: This morning we are going to the MTL Hippodrome for a first visit of the site with the media! #U2360MTL #U2MTL 37 days until the shows
RT @evenko: Ce matin direction Hippodrome de MTL pour une première visite avec les médias! #U2MTL #U2360MTL
RT @evenko_en: This morning we are going to the MTL Hippodrome for a first visit of the site with the media! #U2360MTL #U2MTL 37 days until the shows
This morning we are going to the MTL Hippodrome for a first visit of the site with the media! #U2360MTL #U2MTL 37 days until the shows
Ce matin direction Hippodrome de MTL pour une première visite avec les médias! #U2MTL #U2360MTL
@catfysh I expect to see you at #U2360MTL. Back-to-back shows are rare this leg, but are totally worth it! Let me know if you need tickets.
@catfysh 26 times now I guess - I like Irish music ;) I won't be in YYZ this tour. Will be there for both #U2360MTL shows - come along!
I'm hatching some plot, scheming some scheme... #U2360MTL
They'd better offer this as a free d/l to paid subscribers, this is absolute BS -- not like they've never done a webcast before #u2360mtl
@YvesMath J'en doute pas! J'suis déjà méga excitée et c'est même pas commencé. Haha #U2360MTL
#U2360MTL U2.com is down....... WTF !!! :'''''(
@ginades on était assis pas très loin de ce point de vue hier soir. Belle vue d'ensemble! Bon show! #U2360mtl
I'm guessing U2.com is over capacity, with the crush of visitors, a call should be in for more servers & a bigger pipe. ;-) #U2360MTL
You'll have to fight @U2LineNazi for it. RT @nwox everyone back off. i'm number 1 in this viral queue:) #u2360MTL
Genius of love - Tom Tom club... love the 'pre-stream tape' #u2360MTL