U2 Nashville 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nas
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Nashville with the hashtag #u2360nas. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 6204 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nas between 24 Jun 2011, 17:40 and 18 Jul 2011, 15:49 EDT

@EdgeFest Like at #U2360NAS? When the people who cut in line were sent to the back because they didn't have any numbers? #U2Karma

As much as I'd like to see another U2 show, I'm really glad I'm not in #U2360STL right now! The heat in #U2360VU was enough for me!

@ReverieRevel I sold my GA seats for $140 Tix were $40 a piece. Ofcourse I saw them 2 weeks ago at #U2VU

Adam Bevell didn't let blindness slow him down. #U2360NAS #GretschIrishFalcon #AllIWantIsYou

nyambungin RT @yafipoo: Ga nyambung RT @andhirdhir: gosong RT @yafipoo: Panci? RT @andhirdhir: apaansi RT (cont) wl.tl/u2VU
ex smp4 jugakanRT @zefanyong: kenal vebrin juga ternyata RT @Nadyadiliana Eh iyase, bassist lak vebrin -_- RT (cont) wl.tl/U2VU

Wah!jadi kalian bisa nonton aku(Hyemi) tiap hari dong yah. Tapikan cuma 16 eps,masa tiap hari "@saneldalova: (cont) wl.tl/U2vU

longlast ka:DRT @azmighalib: Two months ~(¯¯▿¯¯~) ~(¯¯▿¯¯)~ (~¯¯▿¯¯)~ ƪ(♥-̮♥)ʃ (˘⌣˘)ε˘`) ♥ ♡ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ (cont) wl.tl/u2vU

RT @romanoKillmsOn: Morning kk, nonton @heyvegan di @InboxSCTV_ segment 3 ya kk :) RT @rocket_rockers: Good (cont) wl.tl/U2Vu

RT @yuzhee_nduth: Fasilitas gag b'fungsi dan gag memadai. Bukan salah pengguna jalan kalo nyebrang (cont) wl.tl/u2Vu
Buat apaan? RT @mutiyagami: yah,telornya sekalian dah RT @Mira_ajita: Yah gue bawanya garem RT @mutiyagami: (cont) wl.tl/u2vu

Loved #U2VU and am wearing out the bootleg. But still sad not to be at #U2360PHL after having to sell my 1st ever GA tix & cancel the trip.
I got snapped by the @fan_cam at U2's 360 show in Nashville. Susan was blocked by the drum technician and cymbal. #u2vu www.u2.com/gigapixelfan...

I'm listening 2 #U2360NAS "Kind & Generous" - Natalie Merchant ♫ songshare.fm/cCz

Guess the stage I saw at #u2360nas and #u2vu is the one they have tonight at #u2360tor. Crazy how long it takes to move the Claw.

Guess the stage I saw at #u2360nas and #u2vu is the one they have tonight at #us360tor. Crazy how long it takes to move.

Guess that is where my UT hat went! #u2360nas RT @atu2 RT @JillKrajewski: Bono stuck a fan's flag in his pant… (cont) deck.ly/~zDd5m

From #U2360NAS ... Can't stop watching this video, how cool for this guy! www.u2.com/media/index/...

Quick links to all the #U2360 #fancam pages since #U2360DEN can be found here: community.u2.com/topic/... #U2360TOR #U2360MTL U2360CHI #U2360NAS ..

Thinks today would have been #BetterWeather for #U2VU concert in #Nashville #KarlDean Nashville should have better say in use of #LPfield

'You say you'll give me eyes in a world of blindness.' Here's the sign behind the story. #U2VU twitpic.com/5lmogc via @twitpic

RT @HSchiefelbein: Wanna see the set list from U2 last night?~~> twitpic.com/5kmo31 (via @mattwertz) #U2geek #u2vu

@HSchiefelbein, don't know how you got your hands on the #U2VU setlist, but hang onto that forever. Great show!

RT @ruckusroyal: Most excellent! RT @thomasmckenzie: Charlie Peacock and Jars of Clay get a shout out from Bono. Nice. #u2vu

Anybody in Nashville think they could pull some strings and get U2 to come back tomorrow night? #U2360 #U2VU

My video of the U2 Nashville show "All I Want is You" w/ blind guitarist! Instant classic moment! www.youtube.com/watch?v... #u2360 #u2360nas #u2vu
Well it's the weekend, anyone have big plans? For me it's gonna be hard to top #U2VU last week!

My U2 Nashville Show photos from 07/02/2011. Enjoy! #u2 #u2360 #u2360nas #u2vu www.flickr.com/photos/j...
Usually I'm not ready to pass out until WOWY. And #u2360nas was hotter, wasn't it... #u2360mtl

Check out my photos from U2 in Nashville #U2VU #u2360nas @U2TOURFANS @U2comZooMods @U2start www.flickr.com/photos/s...

@suziparker I so needed to hear this last Saturday when my sweaty glow was flowing overtime at the #U2VU concert. ;)

Downloaded and listening to #U2360NASH audio. I want to throttle the jackasses talking all through Stay.

Husband just burned CDs of the #U2VU audio for me. Started listening to it & realized I was standing, leaning on our baby gate. Rail spot.

Eating beef jerky left from #U2VU GA line. I'm home and I'm still in survival/scrounge for food mode. #GAhangover

My U2 Nashville Show photos from 07/02/2011. Enjoy! #u2 #u2360nas #u2vu flic.kr/s/aHsjvei4Sz

My U2 Nashville Show photos from 07/02/2011. Enjoy! flic.kr/s/aHsjvei4Sz #u2 #u2360nas #u2vu flic.kr/s/aHsjvei4Sz

'Bono Loved & Everyone's Talking' just posted this morning - what you as an artist can learn from U2: onstagesuccess.com/2011... #U2VU

RT @redmusiconline: U2 in Nashville!!! Yeah we had a good time. Thanks to @ONECampaign #U2VU yfrog.com/hsmp9rsj

RT @jimhitch: 'You say you'll give me eyes in a world of blindness.' Here's the sign behind the story. #U2VU twitpic.com/5lmogc

if you were at the Nashville U2 concert, go to this link and tag your picture. COOL. www.u2.com/gigapixelfan... #U2VU

@scribblepotemus nice shout out from Bono during #U2VU concert

Interview with blind fan from Nashville U2 concert...www.fox17.com/newsroom/... ...#U2VU
RT @ritababy: #U2NAS #BlindGuitarist has his a fan page :) His siter in law started. plz rt!! and join:) so special! :) www.facebook.com/pages/...
Got selected for "random" drug testing at work today. Glad I made good choices at #u2vu

#U2NAS #BlindGuitarist has his a fan page :) His siter in law started. plz rt!! and join:) so special! :) www.facebook.com/pages/...

Adam Bevell on fb our special guest @ #U2360NAS has his own fb page, his sister in law set it up.. please join :) www.facebook.com/home.p...

RT @VanderbiltU: @wztv_fox17 interviews the blind guitar player who was part of one of the most special moments of #U2VU. Watch: http:// ...