U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT
Nossa, Bono! Já falou de mais hoje, não acha?? #U2360NJ
vamos de uma vez homi de dels #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: Bono says that another crew member has had a baby -- that's 18 since the 360 tour started. #u2360nj
Bono está agradecendo a Live Nation, U2 crew, etc.... Não mencionou sobre a venda da "Claw". #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: Bono thanking Live Nation, U2 crew, etc. Has not yet mentioned that the Claw is for sale. Yet. #u2360nj
Just give me what I wanna and no one gets hurt! RT @catygomes: c alguem desligar o stream antes de Rocket Man MORRE entendeu #U2360NJ
Thanks and promoting One. #U2360NJ
Scarlet has been played 41 times so far this tour; that's more than I Will Follow! #U2360NJ
RT @catygomes: c alguem desligar o stream antes de Rocket Man MORRE entendeu #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: Bono thanking Live Nation, U2 crew, etc. Has not yet mentioned that the Claw is for sale. Yet. #u2360nj
it's about time.....come on.......#U2360NJ
c alguem desligar o stream antes de Rocket Man MORRE entendeu #U2360NJ
00:35 no BRASEL, set fake pronto para tornar-se-e verdade?!?! #U2360NJ
Moment of surrender, sua linda, vem fazer o papai aqui chorar... rs #U2360NJ
RT @u2_news: instagr.am/p/IIbiu/ twitpic.com/5tac69 yfrog.com/keu5srnj #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC
E agora? Final do show ou não? Mistéério! #U2360NJ
RT @u2aovivo: 24. With Or Without You #U2360NJ
RT @RDJ_Fan: With or without you é muito linda! PQP! #U2360NJ
RT @kendracps2: Fake or not fake, here's the question!! #U2360NJ
Sooooo happy face :) #U2360NJ
With or without you é muito linda! PQP! #U2360NJ
Como uma banda consegue fazer uma música como essa??? "With Or Without You" #U2360NJ Acho que #U2 sempre será muito mais que uma banda
RT @kendracps2: Fake or not fake, here's the question!! #U2360NJ
Meant hoping people!!! #U2360NJ
RT @u2_news: instagr.am/p/IIbiu/ twitpic.com/5tac69 yfrog.com/keu5srnj #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC
Still on stage at 11:35 p.m. Don't these guys have work tomorrow? Oh wait... #u2 #u2360NJ
With or Without You lines up 24th tonight. #U2360NJ
RT @u2_news: instagr.am/p/IIbiu/ twitpic.com/5tac69 yfrog.com/keu5srnj #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC
RT @Anita_Loves_U2: Opening that the setlist spoilers are true (or at least one of them) or I'm gonna be royally pissed at that person! #U2360NJ
RT @u2gigs: @atu2comSherry 60 full songs and 180 snippets so far. Wonder if it will be 61 soon... #U2360NJ
RT @bethandbono: What time is it in the world?! Time to see if this setlist is fuhreal or not. C'mon, Bono. I'm ti(red). #U2360NJ #U2360WTF
RT @u2gigs: @atu2comSherry 60 full songs and 180 snippets so far. Wonder if it will be 61 soon... #U2360NJ
RT @kendracps2: Fake or not fake, here's the question!! #U2360NJ
@atu2comSherry 60 full songs and 180 snippets so far. Wonder if it will be 61 soon... #U2360NJ
Opening that the setlist spoilers are true (or at least one of them) or I'm gonna be royally pissed at that person! #U2360NJ
Fake or not fake, here's the question!! #U2360NJ
¿Ya sabemos si es real o fake el setlist de hace rato? #U2360NJ
RT @u2mexico: 22. Where The Streets Have No Name – #U2360NJ
#inmyface yet I looked away. U2360Tours just posted the set list on FB. #IStillDontKnow #U2360nj
RT @MariDoBono: with or without you e cada letra dessa música é uma perfeição... #U2360NJ
Nunca tanta gente quis que um show passasse tão depressa!! #U2360NJ
@bethandbono oh did you see the spoiler list? It's all true too. How do they get these things? 28 songs tonite for #u2360NJ
I think I am officially too old to pogo during the intro to streets. Twisted my ankle. #u2360nj
With or without you There's a giant disco ball #U2360NJ
RT @partygirlu2: RT @bethandbono: What time is it in the world?! Time to see if this setlist is fuhreal or not. C'mon, Bono. I'm ti(red). #U2360NJ #U2360WTF