U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT
20. One #U2360NJ
IM...now, going Crazy Tonight!!!! No one tell me. #u2360nj
ONE #U2360NJ
21-One - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC #U2News
One #U2360NJ
Aung Sun Suu Kyi speech #U2360NJ
RT @FlaviaBenini: Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk RT @catygomes: AE MANO...QUEBROU O TELAO...CABO O SHOW GENTE... #U2360NJ
Primer Encore #U2360NJ
Amor eu te abano RT @u2aovivo: Bono está sentindo muito calor. Parece que pegou um pouco de água e jogou em volta da sua nuca #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: 19. Scarlet #u2360nj
RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk RT @catygomes: AE MANO...QUEBROU O TELAO...CABO O SHOW GENTE... #U2360NJ
RT @u2gigs: Suu Kyi video #U2360NJ
aung san suu kyi speech #U2360NJ
Aung San Suu Kyi's speech #U2360NJ
RT @u2aovivo: Bono está sentindo muito calor. Parece que pegou um pouco de água e jogou em volta da sua nuca #U2360NJ
Suu Kyi video #U2360NJ
RT @u2aovivo: Bono está sentindo muito calor. Parece que pegou um pouco de água e jogou em volta da sua nuca #U2360NJ
RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
Bono está sentindo muito calor. Parece que pegou um pouco de água e jogou em volta da sua nuca #U2360NJ
All that you build / All that you break / All that you measure / All that you feel / All this you can leave behind #u2360nj
RT @partygirlu2: TIRA A ROUPA! RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
I love this band. #u2360nj
RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
Lights out. Lanterns surrounding the stage. Encore time. #U2360NJ
RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
RT @u2mexico: 9. Stay (Faraway So Close!) – #U2360NJ
ui! RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
imageshack.us/photo/my-... via @ImageShack thanks sandro...beautiful!! #u2360nj
RT @partygirlu2: TIRA A ROUPA! RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
RT @u2mexico: 18. Sunday Bloody Sunday – #U2360NJ
Hora do discurso da Aung San Suu Kyi! #U2360NJ
RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
Setlist sem surpresas, até agora. Talvez, teremos novidades no finalzinho! =) #U2360NJ
TIRA A ROUPA! RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
RT @atu2: RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
Lanterns > creepy masks. #u2360nj
@nwox How can you resist? I had to see it immediately :D I'm a bit sick but well, still here! #U2360NJ
RT @scatterolight: Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj
e o set tá chegando quase no fim.. #U2360NJ
I'm pretty sure I just saw Joe McKnight and Steve Smith working as bodyguards and Eric Smith selling hotdogs. #U2360NJ #lockedout
Bono is freakn hot. Literally. He Just poured bottle of h2o on his head during walk on. #u2360nj