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U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT

RT @partygirlu2: De nada,Flave!Curte ae o show <3333 #U2360NJ

05. I Will follow #U2360NJ

walk away walk away #U2360NJ

até agora tudo normal no set ...#U2360NJ

05. I Will Follow #U2360NJ

05. I Will Follow – #U2360NJ

Esse link tá um pouco melhor q o outro stream... tente ai: #U2360NJ

Tomara.. :) RT: @u2ers 40ºC em Nova Jersey. Menos roupa? :-) #U2360NJ

05-I Will Follow - #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC #U2News

De nada,Flave!Curte ae o show <3333 #U2360NJ

Para de roer as unhas LALE #U2360NJ

Bono's throwing something from the bridge. #u2360nj no idea.

RT @u2aovivo: Quem não estiver conseguindo ouvir o show pelo stream do site, tentem pelo @u2radiocom aqui: #U2360NJ

RT @u2radiocom: We are relaying the U2BR audio stream @ #U2360NJ

Somos duas...morro tbm!!! @partygirlu2 Se tocar GOYB e Magnificent depois,eu morro aqui.Vai bater com o spoiler do set!!! #U2360NJ

qd @danielribbeiro: GALERE!! MANDA O LINK DO STREAM AÊÊÊ!!! #U2360NJ

RT @u2ers: "Love, love, love, love" #U2360NJ

KD STRIPTEASE??? RT @u2ers: 40ºC em Nova Jersey. Menos roupa? :-) #U2360NJ


RT @u2aovivo: Quem não estiver conseguindo ouvir o show pelo stream do site, tentem pelo @u2radiocom aqui: #U2360NJ

RT @u2ers: 40ºC em Nova Jersey. Menos roupa? :-) #U2360NJ

40ºC em Nova Jersey. Menos roupa? :-) #U2360NJ

Edge ringing those bells Until the end of the world. #U2360NJ

RT @u2radiocom: We are relaying the U2BR audio stream @ #U2360NJ

RT @U2Ecuador: RT @u2radiocom: We are relaying the @U2BR audio stream #U2360NJ

RT @u2aovivo: Quem não estiver conseguindo ouvir o show pelo stream do site, tentem pelo @u2radiocom aqui: #U2360NJ

Until the end of the World temooooon #U2360NJ

RT @u2mexico: 04. Until The End Of The World – #U2360NJ

Until the end of the world!!!! #U2360NJ

Until The End Of The World #U2360NJ Edge acaba com tudo nóes..

RT @chorigutierrez: RT @u2mexico: #U2360NJ –Ojo "spoiler", anda circulando, tomarlo reserva / si es cierto, ese se ...

"Love, love, love, love" #U2360NJ

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