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U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT

Oh.. Hey.. #Bono at U2 concert #U2360NJ #Bono

legal o u2 ter terminado o show com 'out of control'. #U2360NJ

RT @u2gigs: The complete setlist and our recap can be found at Thanks @u2br, @u2radiocom, @Anita_Loves_U2! #U2360NJ

Oh.. Hey.. #Bono at #u2 concert #U2360NJ #u2 #Bono yfrog.us/mckliz

Agreed! RT @U2TOURFANS: Meadowlands Fans Rocked and setlist was amazing #U2360NJ

Meadowlands Fans Rocked and setlist was amazing #U2360NJ

That moment after MOS when Bono turned around and talked to them, I already had chills... And then Out Of Control..... #U2360NJ

Excellent show tonight.The Fast Lane, baby! #U2360NJ

"Where the streets have no name…" #U2360NJ

#u2360nj "Zooropa" from tonight's Meadowlands show

#U2360NJ according to the setlist U2 were supposed to play "Bad" and "40". Interpol's fault?

And oh yes, AWESOME show w/ @harrietlr01. #U2360NJ

Calm as everyone left the stadium. A little pushy when at the train station. Ppl want to not miss the NY bound train or escape NJ? #U2360NJ

Bono & Edge rockin' it out tonight in Jersey! Awesome show! #U2360NJ

RT @u2_news: U2News - Even Better + The Fly + Mysterious Ways (New Jersey, 20/07/2011) - PRO-SHOT #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2News

#NJTransit fail. Chaos and misery trying to drain 90,000 people from #u2360nj show. They should just tell people to take the bus

RT @helenwilla: U2 was great, but what about that carbon footprint?! #U2360NJ

End of "With or Without You." Still waiting to hear that last verse live. #u2360NJ

Awesome [bleeping] concert #u2360nj #u2

Esse é o stream mais confuso que já ouvi #U2360NJ

Stuck in a Moment was kinda sorta almost played #U2360NJ

"@atu2: Bono says that another crew member has had a baby -- that's 18 since the 360 tour started. #u2360nj"....I wonder how many are Adam's

RT @u2_news: 20-Walk On - #U2 #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC #U2News

#u2360nj is getting popular, +800% the last hour :

Incredible U2 show in NJ - they are a one of a kind band. I wanna run where the streets have no name... #U2360NJ

The Claw in the stadium! #U2360NJ

A BIG GIGANTIC THANK YOU to @myoriginalu2name for streaming the #u2360nj show

The line of people waiting to take the Meadowlands shuttle after the #U2360NJ concert

thanks to @u2br and @u2radiocom for the streaming in #u2360nj

Great show #U2360NJ on the turnpike headed home

RT @u2radiocom: Thx @U2BR for the audio feed tonight. Another show in the can, 3 more left. #U2360NJ

Qué chido es U2!! Un video del concierto que recién terminó, #U2360NJ : que subió @u2mexico

U2 360 Tour 2011: East Rutherford, NJ, New Meadowlands Stadium - la setlist #u2360nj

Perdi Out of Control,mas blz rsrs. #U2360NJ

RT @MemphisMullen: Thanks to Larry, we got Out of Control in New Jersey! #U2360NJ

Stuck in a moment u cant get out of #U2360NJ

Woohoo, U2 ended the concert with Out of Control!!! #dancedmyassoff #U2360NJ

The U2 concert was the best thing ever. Got to hear their new song :) #U2360NJ

Longest U2 concert in length and song selection #U2360NJ

Un video del concierto que recién terminó, #U2360NJ :

New Jersey also got Magnificent and The Fly in addition to Out of Control! #U2360NJ

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