U2 Oakland 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360oak
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Oakland with the hashtag #u2360oak. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1700 tweets for the hashtag #u2360oak between 1 Jun 2011, 17:51 and 30 Jun 2011, 17:50 PDT
ISTO -> RT @u2aovivo: 12 - Pride #U2360OAK
12. Pride #U2360OAK
Am I a bad U2 fan, in that this is now my "bathroom" song? :D #U2360OAK
11 - Pride #U2360OAK
RT @u2aovivo: 12 - Pride #U2360OAK
And 12th is Pride. #U2360OAK
11. Pride (In The Name Of Love) #U2360OAK
@u2gigs i have a feeling that much more appropriate songs exist to snippet with Beautiful Day :-/ #u2360oak
12 - Pride #U2360OAK
@u2aovivo I'm wide awake. I'm not sleeping... :) #U2360OAK
Snip at the end of BDay is Space Oddity again. #U2360OAK
It's a beautiful day! Don't let it get away! #u2 #u2360 #u2360oak #u2360usa #360tour @ Overstock.com Coliseum instagr.am/p/FXuKo/
RT @u2gigs: Bono gets Edge to talk about drinking with Metallica & Green Day, creating their own festival. #U2360OAK
Live stream now!!! #U2360OAK //
RT @bensarah: Ack! The UStream person must have known everyone watching was commenting on their terrible singing and went offline. boo. #u2360oak
Já posso ir dormir... #bono já cantou Stay (far away, so close) que eu ainda não tinha ouvido na #U2360OAK
@juano_vox No, can't be like that. They do what they can, you know... #U2360OAK
@FlyingDutch22 Videostream ligt er uit. Deze doet het bij mij: en.1000mikes.com/show/u... #u2360oak
@u2aovivo EU....sempre... #U2360OAK
RT @u2gigs: Damn, there goes the video feed. u2br's is still up though. #U2360OAK
Já era hora. Katilce foi banalizada kkkkk RT @u2aovivo: Pelo jeito, as garotas dos poemas foram substituidas por astronautas... #U2360OAK
RT @CeciSierra: Lucas T.V from hero to villain...come on! #U2360OAK (live at www.ustream.tv/channel/... // devuelvan la señal por la CTM!!! :/
Ack! The UStream person must have known everyone watching was commenting on their terrible singing and went offline. boo. #u2360oak
Jake likes this song. #U2360OAK
RT @u2gigs: Mirror of u2br stream here: u2radio.com/live/ #U2360OAK
RT @mikadu2: 10. Beautiful day #u2360oak
Pelo jeito, as garotas dos poemas foram substituidas por astronautas... #U2360OAK
Lucas T.V from hero to villain...come on! #U2360OAK (live at www.ustream.tv/channel/...
Mark Kelly again on the screen :) #11 Beautiful Day is to Follow #U2360OAK
10 - Beautiful day #U2360OAK
#U2360OAK #U2360OAK #U2360OAK #U2360OAK
11th is Beautiful Day. #U2360OAK
10. Beautiful day #u2360oak
11 - Beautiful Day #U2360OAK
Lucas is offline! Everyone cries! #U2360OAK
Se fue el video stream :| NOO, VUELVEE! D: #U2360OAK
Fck, there goes the video feed!! ;-( #u2360oak
10. Beautiful Day #U2360OAK - Wondeful!!
RT @u2gigs: Damn, there goes the video feed. u2br's is still up though. #U2360OAK - Nooooooooo!
Damn, there goes the video feed. u2br's is still up though. #U2360OAK
they should allow to sing Larry a full song, every now and then... #U2360OAK #justsaying
RT @atu2: 9. All I Want Is You #u2360oak
RT @wxander: oh UStream people, please stop singing... #U2360OAK
RT @u2aovivo: ...London, OAKLAND and Berlin #U2360OAK
RT @u2gigs: The guys by the person doing the vid feed are singing so badly, haha. #U2360OAK
If i could stay....#U2360OAK
RT @u2gigs: The guys by the person doing the vid feed are singing so badly, haha. #U2360OAK
Almost in tears...almost (Stay) #U2360OAK (live at www.ustream.tv/channel/...