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U2 Seattle 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360sea

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Seattle with the hashtag #u2360sea. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3341 tweets for the hashtag #u2360sea between 29 May 2011, 14:19 and 2 Jul 2011, 20:15 PDT

RT @atu2: Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me with Meathead encore video #u2360SEA

@atu2comSherry Congrats on number 50--that's huge! (Number 58 for me..........shhhhhhhhh). #U2360SEA

RT @seattlepi: RT @joshtrujillo PHOTOS: U2 360º Tour comes to Seattle. More than 74,000 fans welcome Irish band: #U2360Sea

@atu2comSherry I saw them doing it. Probably took a good fifteen minutes. Can't wait to see it! #U2360SEA

@mattmcgee Lovely to see you tonight-even if briefly and meet @theseanmcgee too. Just a fantastic day all around. #U2360SEA

RT @U2TOURFANS: Memphis Mullen talks w/Bono. He offers to give a message to Larry. When leaving stage Larry comes over to her n shakes her hand. #U2360SEA

Bono said at the end of the show that Pearl Jam, REM and Heart were all in the house tonight. #U2360SEA #LocalMusic #Seattle

74,000 fans at QWEST. One question: When did people stop cheering and start snapping cellphone pics non-stop during a big concert? #U2360sea

74,000 fans at QWEST. One question: When did people stop cheering and start snapping cellphone pics non-stop during a big concert? #U2360sea

RT @atu2: Beautiful Day from Seattle with new intro by Commander Mark Kelly #U2360SEA

RT @atu2: Beautiful Day from Seattle with new intro by Commander Mark Kelly #U2360SEA

RT @atu2: This is how Bono greeted fans upon arriving @ #U2360SEA - hitched ride w/local police officer & rode to greet us!

RT @atu2: This is how Bono greeted fans upon arriving @ #U2360SEA - hitched ride w/local police officer & rode to greet us! ...

@atu2: The bass is thumpin' hard #u2360sea Elles font chier ces photos, non ?

RT @atu2: Could this number change to 52 tonight? #u2360sea #wishfulthinking

RT @atu2: Could this number change to 52 tonight? #u2360sea #wishfulthinking

Memphis Mullen talks w/Bono. He offers to give a message to Larry. When leaving stage Larry comes over to her n shakes her hand. #U2360SEA

Memphis Mullen talks w/Bono. He offers to give a message to Larry. When leaving stage Larry comes over to her n shakes her hand. #U2360SEA

RT @BeautifulDay36: I will remember singing City of Blinding Lights at the top of my lungs with fellow @atu2 staffers for the rest of my life. EPIC! #U2360SEA

Bono is older, wiser and better. The 360 stage didn't hurt either. #U2360sea

RT @atu2: Beautiful Day from Seattle with new intro by Commander Mark Kelly #U2360SEA

RT @atu2: Beautiful Day from Seattle with new intro by Commander Mark Kelly #U2360SEA

RT @atu2: Beautiful Day from Seattle with new intro by Commander Mark Kelly #U2360SEA

RT @atu2: Beautiful Day from Seattle with new intro by Commander Mark Kelly #U2360SEA

@michielovesU2 when they left the stage Larry came over to us and shook our hands on his way out! #U2360SEA

@michielovesU2 when they left the stage Larry came over to us and shook our hands on his way out! #U2360SEA

finally have some network, phone, photos, videos, it's going to be hard to sleep after being inside that claw for 6hrs #U2360SEA

Lenny rocked it as one of the best U2 openers I've seen! RT @LennyKravitz Thank you Seattle! Let Love Rule #U2360SEA

Lenny Kravitz gisteren het voorprogramma van U2...had leuk geweest in Brussel ipv Interpol!! RT @atu2: #u2360sea

Lenny Kravitz gisteren het voorprogramma van U2...had leuk geweest in Brussel ipv Interpol!! RT @atu2: #u2360sea

None of my tweets from the #u2360sea concert went thru tonight :( Even though the acoustics were horrible the concert was amazing!!

None of my tweets from the #u2360sea concert went thru tonight :( Even though the acoustics were horrible the concert was amazing!!

Definitely worth the trip from Anchorage. #u2360SEA

Definitely worth the trip from Anchorage. #u2360SEA

Excellent show tonight from U2 (and opener Lenny Kravitz) #u2360SEA

Excellent show tonight from U2 (and opener Lenny Kravitz) #u2360SEA

RT @pdxcommute: I'm one of 74,000 people leaving Qwest Field with ringing ears and a smiling heart. Brilliant #u2 #u2360sea

For those wondering, no announcement was made about Gigapixel camera. If our photo was taken tonight, I hope I was facing forward #U2360SEA

For those wondering, no announcement was made about Gigapixel camera. If our photo was taken tonight, I hope I was facing forward #U2360SEA

More #U2360SEA photos tomorrow. But now I need to get showered & to bed. #GoodDay

More #U2360SEA photos tomorrow. But now I need to get showered & to bed. #GoodDay

RT @atu2: New intro to Beautiful Day tonight: Bono commended Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords & showed video of her husband, Astronaut Mark Kelly #U2360SEA

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