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U2 Seattle 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360sea

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Seattle with the hashtag #u2360sea. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3341 tweets for the hashtag #u2360sea between 29 May 2011, 14:19 and 2 Jul 2011, 20:15 PDT

with or without you.... I can't live with or without... U2! rsrsrs #U2360SEA

23: With or Without You #U2360SEA

RT @Vi_EvansU2: What time is it in the world?? Brazil - 03:07 rsrsrsr #U2360SEA

23. With or without you #u2360sea

23-With Or Without You - #U2 #U2360 #U2360SEA #U2360USA #U2News

#u2360sea what time is it in the world??? ..... showtime!!!!!

"Believing in yourself almost as much as you doubt" #U2360SEA

23rd is With Or Without You. #U2360SEA

What time is it in the world?? Brazil - 03:07 rsrsrsr #U2360SEA

RT @U2eXit: Also, in addition to the ATU2 stream, the concert is streaming at and #U2360SEA

I wonder if UV will be back in this slot at Anaheim 2... or if they'll use this slot to rehearse The Fly for Glastonbury? #U2360SEA

So happy, the las time that i've lsitened ultraviolet it was in mexico city hehhehehe #u2360sea

RT @u2gigs: I am so happy this song is in the set. Can't believe HMTMKMKM languished for 12 years before being brought back! #U2360SEA

"Dream Out Loud" a personal vision of U2 (In spanish) #U2360SEA

What time is it in the world? Showtime #u2360sea (i wanted ultraviolet!!)

..... .... .... .... Hold Me,Thrill Me,Kiss Me,Kill Me!! #U2360SEA

RT @U2Baja: "@ceeceehalpert: @mikadu2 Well The Fly didn't appear and Adam's shirt didn't fall off either... #U2360SEA" #ROTFL ;)

U2 Seattle setlist: 22. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me #u2 #u2360 #u2360sea

RT @u2gigs: I am so happy this song is in the set. Can't believe HMTMKMKM languished for 12 years before being brought back! #U2360SEA

21. Where the streets have no name 22. Hold Me #U2360SEA

I am so happy this song is in the set. Can't believe HMTMKMKM languished for 12 years before being brought back! #U2360SEA

22-Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - #U2 #U2360 #U2360SEA #U2360USA #U2News

22nd song of the night is indeed Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, opening the 2nd encore. #U2360SEA

"@ceeceehalpert: @mikadu2 Well The Fly didn't appear and Adam's shirt didn't fall off either... #U2360SEA" #ROTFL ;)

RT @martahU2: @U2Argentina 7am in Portugal! I'm wiiiide awake :D #U2360SEA

RT @CocoGMX: “@U2Argentina: What time is it in the world? 02:59 am #Argentina!!!! #U2 #U2360SEA” << 1:00 am #MéxicoCity :D

Sempre vou apostar em Ultraviolet! #U2360sea

RT @U2Argentina: What time is it in the world? 02:59 am #Argentina!!!! #U2 #U2360SEA

what time is it in the world? #u2360sea

RT @Abelesa84: What time is it in the world ? (creepy voice) #U2360SEA

What time is it in the world ? (creepy voice) #U2360SEA

Perdi o sono!Em Seatle rolando um #U2360SEA p ninguém botar defeito e eu aqi no quarto ouvindo a 5° Sinfonia de Roncos!Pode?

@U2Argentina 7am in Portugal! I'm wiiiide awake :D #U2360SEA

@U2Argentina: What time is it in the world? 02:59 am #Argentina!!!! #U2 #U2360SEA” << 1:00 am #MéxicoCity :D

@mikadu2 Well The Fly didn't appear and Adam's shirt didn't fall off either... #U2360SEA

Um dos vídeos mais engraçados que eu fiz dos shows definitivamente foi Streets do dia 09!!! Tremia tuuudo! #U2360SEA

Jedi também! RT: @JU2NiOR: Imagina a @Silvox com uma mão no celular, outra com os balões e pulando feito doida... #U2360SEA

2nd encore break ... probably a safe bet that HMTMKMKM is next? #U2360SEA

What time is it in the world? 02:59 am #Argentina!!!! #U2 #U2360SEA

What time is it in the world? 02:59 #Argentina!!!! #U2 #U2360SEA

"Where the streets have no name" me puede poner la piel de gallina hasta cuando la escucho a miles de kilometros #U2360SEA

Bono & The Edge Where the streets have no name #u2360sea

Ouvindo em dois streams.... rsrsrs #U2360SEA

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