U2 Seattle 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360sea
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Seattle with the hashtag #u2360sea. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3341 tweets for the hashtag #u2360sea between 29 May 2011, 14:19 and 2 Jul 2011, 20:15 PDT
RT @U2comZooMods: #Bono is doing a shout out to @Rep_Giffords and has just dedicated #Beautiful Day to her and her hubby @ShuttleCDRKelly #U2360SEA
@Abelesa84 it was GORGEOUS last Sunday night in Winnipeg #U2360SEA
C'mon Bono, show us you voice now!! Miss Sarajevo! #U2360SEA
AHH cant wait 2 hear the part when Bono Sings Lucciano Pavarotti's part.. #U2360SEA <3
RT @U2comZooMods: FYI: #BeautifuDay used to wake up the #SpaceShuttle and Stn. w/ @ShuttleCDRKelly on it & is @Red_Giffords fav song #u2360SEA #getwellsoon
RT @Allegra16: Everyone using #u2360sea go here to hear the show u2radio.com/live/2011/0...
It can't be half over already. OMG it's going so fast. #U2360SEA
Miss Sarajevo! *-* Sempre choro com essa música!! #U2360SEA
FYI: #BeautifuDay used to wake up the #SpaceShuttle and Stn. w/ @ShuttleCDRKelly on it & is @Red_Giffords fav song #u2360SEA #getwellsoon
acho que nao teremos surpresas hoje #U2360SEA
12. Miss Sarajevo #U2360SEA
U2 Seattle setlist: 12. Miss Sarajevo #u2 #u2360 #u2360sea
12. Miss Sarajevo #U2360SEA
Miss Sarajevo #U2360SEA
Nice to see Pride return to the set. Missed it at the 2009 US/Canadian shows I attended. Last saw it in Dublin. #U2360SEA
@u2gigs Miss Sarajavo #U2360SEA
12. Miss Sarajevo #U2360SEA
12-Miss Sarajevo - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360SEA #U2360USA #U2News
With song 12, we are approx halfway through the show...this is Miss Sarajevo #U2360SEA
#MissSarajevo #U2360SEA
12. Miss Sarajevo #u2360sea
@u2gigs I don't understand, what do you mean into the set? #u2360sea
Slotting in at 12th is Miss Sarajevo. #u2360sea
Você transmite o show com o máximo de cuidado pra não acordar a casa com as tecladas #U2360SEA
RT @U2tour: U2 Seattle live stream: u2radio.com/live/ (right side of the page “Outloud Radio”) #u2 #u2360 #u2360sea
RT @u2gigs: Despite the fact it's been intro music since 2009, that's the 1st time Space Oddity has actually made it into the SET in any way. #U2360SEA
RT @u2gigs: Despite the fact it's been intro music since 2009, that's the 1st time Space Oddity has actually made it into the SET in any way. #U2360SEA
RT @MarcMenninger: "Beautiful Day" #u2360sea marcmenninger.posterous...
RT @U2comZooMods: #Bono is doing a shout out to @Rep_Giffords and has just dedicated #Beautiful Day to her and her hubby @ShuttleCDRKelly #U2360SEA
RT @Reporter_Photo: It's a beautiful day #iphoneography #U2360SEA #pano www.mobypicture.com/use...
@u2gigs Yawn. Sorry. I know the peeps love it. But seriously how about Breathe instead? #U2360SEA
Pride !!! #U2360SEA
RT @Reporter_Photo: It's a beautiful day #iphoneography #U2360SEA #pano www.mobypicture.com/use...
"Beautiful Day" #u2360sea marcmenninger.posterous...
RT @u2gigs: Despite the fact it's been intro music since 2009, that's the 1st time Space Oddity has actually made it into the SET in any way. #U2360SEA
RT @u2gigs: Despite the fact it's been intro music since 2009, that's the 1st time Space Oddity has actually made it into the SET in any way. #U2360SEA
11. Pride #U2360SEA
Despite the fact it's been intro music since 2009, that's the 1st time Space Oddity has actually made it into the SET in any way. #U2360SEA
Opening song from U2 #u2360sea marcmenninger.posterous...
11. Pride #U2360SEA
RT @ultravioletu2 RT: @u2gigs: Hah! Space Oddity snippet at the end of BDay. #U2360SEA
RT @atu2: U2 qwest field coverage twitcasting.tv/atu2/mov... #u2360sea
Pride! #u2360sea
Priiiiide! #U2360SEA
Bono dedicated Beautiful Day to @Rep_Giffords w/ a special appearance by Commander Kelly from the ISS. Nice. #U2360SEA
11. Pride #u2360sea
11. Pride #U2360SEA
U2 Seattle setlist: 11. Pride (In The Name Of Love) #u2 #u2360 #u2360sea