U2 Seattle 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360sea
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Seattle with the hashtag #u2360sea. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3341 tweets for the hashtag #u2360sea between 29 May 2011, 14:19 and 2 Jul 2011, 20:15 PDT
I love the facts screen, i prefer it than the fast-going clock. I've missed it anyway #u2360sea
RT @u2_news: Posibles audios para esta noche en.1000mikes.com/show/u... twitcasting.tv/atu2 #U2360 #U2360SEA
RT @u2_news: Posibles audios para esta noche en.1000mikes.com/show/u... twitcasting.tv/atu2 #U2360 #U2360SEA
@ericsampaio_ arriegua, to só curtindo #50por1 e #U2360Sea só sucesso nea? =DD
RT @u2_news: RT @u2aovivo: We will have our stream tonight!!! Please check ou this link en.1000mikes.com/show/u... #U2360SEA
Posibles audios para esta noche en.1000mikes.com/show/u... twitcasting.tv/atu2 #U2360 #U2360SEA
RT @u2_news: RT @u2aovivo: We will have our stream tonight!!! Please check ou this link en.1000mikes.com/show/u... #U2360SEA
@atu2comSherry that's too bad cos he's a pretty solid performer live. #u2360sea
WooHoo! #u2360sea: maginashun posted a photo: www.flickr.com/photos/m...
Regresa stream :( (#u2360sea live on twitcasting.tv/atu2/mov... )
It was abysmal. Kravitz worked this crowd to death and most of audience was dead. Embarrassing. #u2360sea
RT @atu2comSherry: Does Adam count as crew? Hope Baby Clayton is part of that 17. #u2360sea yfrog.com/5p84ej
RT @u2aovivo: We will have our stream tonight!!! Please check ou this link en.1000mikes.com/show/u... #U2360SEA
@johngruber did they get the boot upside the arse? #u2360sea
RT @johngruber: Bootlegger t-shirts got caught in our section, but not before selling some merch. #u2360sea
Bootlegger t-shirts got caught in our section, but not before selling some merch. #u2360sea
Actually ready for U2. #U2360SEA
RT @BigwaveU2: we are up and running awaiting U2 taking the stage in Seattle - come join fans from around the globe www.u2.com/community #U2360SEA
so funny...in a stadium that holds 63,000 I spot someone I see 3 times a week 5 rows in front of me!! #U2360SEA
Os minutos que parecem uma eternidade.... RT @u2ers Lenny Kravitz show is over. In minutes U2 will be on stage #U2360SEa
Dia super cansativo mais muito proveitoso...esperando ansiosamente pelo show do U2 em Seattle... #U2360SEA
t-fail! RT @innovate I think the number of ppl sending u2pics has swaped cells near #u2360sea - #tmobile #fail twitter.com/innovate/st...
RT @atu2: Think The Fly is being rehearsed for Glastonbury, not 360. hope I'm wrong #u2360sea
Finger crossedRT @u2ers: Let's pray for a good stream link! #U2360Sea
d'oh!! my battery is @ 29%. dang those garlic fries smell goooooood!! #U2360SEA
RT @u2aovivo: Boa note, aqui é a @VickyHewson esperando mais uma vez para o U2!!! Lenny Kravitz já deixou o palco em minutos teremos #U2360SEA