U2 Seattle 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360sea
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Seattle with the hashtag #u2360sea. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3341 tweets for the hashtag #u2360sea between 29 May 2011, 14:19 and 2 Jul 2011, 20:15 PDT

Seattle is my 50th show - nice there's still songs I haven't heard live yet #U2360sea

#U2360SEA a HUGE cheer from GA as they soundcheck Zooropa!

RT @Chanel4NewsTeam: Soundchecking zooropa #U2360SEA

It's the most wonderful thing to hear crew playing zooropa. it's my first time to hear this live. #u2360SEA

Soundchecking zooropa #U2360SEA

It's hot, that's for sure RT @hjwallace1: #U2360SEA we've got crew soundcheck here. Bass then drums. Now guitar. Has to be 1000 in line now.

#U2360SEA we've got crew soundcheck here. Bass then drums. Now guitar. Has to be 1000 in line now.

someone move this mini van away 755 xfw PLEASE...#u2360sea

Soundcheck begins #U2360sea

Hey everyone, how're you all doing today? #U2360SEA should be fun! Anything new and exciting in your lives?

@johngruber Thanks John - I'll head down in a couple hours - prob by bus. Still need to find a ticket. #U2360SEA

@KennedyIAm 7pm, but head early, Mariners, Race for the Cure are already happening. #u2360sea

What time is in the world ? #U2360SEA

Who is going to U2 tonite? #u2360sea What time does the show start?

#U2360SEA rumor is Mercy will be played tonight. Enjoy.

Please some Live Stream Audio or Video of #U2360SEA Thanks from all the World =) [Like it? www.likemytweets.com/tw... ]

Please some Live Stream Audio or Video of #U2360SEA Thanks from all the World =)

@BBQSockeye Thx 4 reply. My crew & I R just happy 2 B thr & experience ths legendary band + Lenny! tonite. 2 faves in 1-priceless #U2360SEA

RT @johngruber: My bucket list is getting smaller today. #u2360sea ditto!

Luckily I packed my cap & flannel shirt in preparation for Seattle's June climate. Um… oops. #U2360SEA

#u2360sea 6 hours until Lenny. 80 degrees in Seattle today.

@spenceeastwood I'm not there either. Going down around 3. #U2360SEA

@singnomore @atu2 I'm hoping my iPhone works inside Qwest #U2360SEA

@spenceeastwood think I'll start off edge side to watch them walk in. R u in line now? If not, when r u getting in line? #U2360SEA

are they handing out wristbands? i am in the second half of the line..#u2360sea

@U2Minnesota @BeautifulDay36 @EdgeFest @Bonogirl360 @michielovesU2 @spenceeastwood Where will u b inside? Would love to meet up? #U2360SEA

Made it to #Yakima! 2 hours to #Seattle #u2360sea

RT @johngruber: My bucket list is getting smaller today. #u2360sea

RT @srj682011I can faintly hear Lenny Kravitz (who's opening for #U2 tonight) soundchecking from my hotel. #U2360SEA #squee

Can't wait for U2 tonight! Fantastic weather in Seattle - looking forward to an amazing show! #U2360SEA

Want to buy a teleporter... Low mileage, one owner preferred. No space time continuum wasters. #U2360SEA

Parking situation is bad right now. If you can wait til later, after the game let's out....do. Cost is high also. #U2360SEA

My bucket list is getting smaller today. #u2360sea

#u2360sea @corianderstem hope you feel better and that you can make it.

For those who can not be at #u2360sea: German TV broadcasts Coldplay live at Rock am Ring in about 1 hour (22:50 CEST) www.ardmediathek.de/ard...

RT @srj68: I can faintly hear Lenny Kravitz (who's opening for #U2 tonight) soundchecking from my hotel. #U2360SEA #squee

RT @zoostationsf: We're looking for 6 tix for #U2360SEA. PM us if you have any to sell.

A special Thank You to @1037TheMountain Two dear friends are able to attend #U2360SEA tonight because I was caller 10! #Grateful #KMTT

RT @srj68: I can faintly hear Lenny Kravitz (who's opening for #U2 tonight) soundchecking from my hotel. #U2360SEA #squee

RT @atu2comSherry: Check 1,1....2,2...Check Ooooonnneeee, Check twwwoooooo #u2360SEA

Check 1,1....2,2...Check Ooooonnneeee, Check twwwoooooo #u2360SEA

Lenny's done with sound checks. Crowd arriving for #Mariners game got a mini-concert! #U2360SEA yfrog.com/2otwfpz

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2ers in Seattle! Ready for tonight's show? Any predictions for changes in the set list? #U2360SEA

U2ers in Seattle! Ready for tonight's show? Any predictions for changes in the set list? #U2360SEA

Back in the USA, en route to Seattle. #U2360SEA
@tassoula #U2360SEA I know.2 tours-Seattle was on wish list . My loss, its a city I want to visit .Wanted to hang with your crew. Have fun!