U2 St. Louis 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360stl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in St. Louis with the hashtag #u2360stl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3494 tweets for the hashtag #u2360stl between 7 Jul 2011, 13:19 and 20 Jul 2011, 23:21 CDT
14. COBL #U2360STL
North Star foi na italia (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
watch the claw guys www.fox2now.com/news/we... #U2360STL
14- City Of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
City of blinding lights e sua introdução mágica! #U2360STL
14. City Of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
City of blinding lights #U2360STL
Oh you look so beautiful tonigt =B (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
14. City of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
Those lights are definitely blinding. (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Aguenta coração!!!!! (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Zoorapa followed by City of Blinding Lights. #U2360STL
14.City Of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
RT @atu2: 14 - City of Blinding Lights #u2360stl
EMOÇÃO (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
14. City Of Blinding Lights #U2 #U2360STL
14-City Of Blinding Lights - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360STL #U2News
14 - City of blinding lights #U2360STL
RT @PitchersHit8th: RT @metsgrrl: U2 in STL RT @atu2: Live stream courtesy of @bethandbono tonight: twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #u2360stl
14. Cituy of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
City Of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
KKKKKK I'm not from Canada,I'm from BRAZIL!!!!! (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
14. City of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
14. City Of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
City of, Vertigo, Crazy remix (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
CITY OF BLINDING LIGHTS #U2360STL (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
14. City of Blinding lights #U2360STL
Teletubbies intro City of blinding lights #U2360STL
City of Blinding Lights... (PERFEITA DEMAIS) #U2360STL (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
14. COBL #U2360STL
She's gonna dream out loud!! #Zooropa #U2360STL
Xará, tão perguntando se você é do Canadá UHAHUAHUHUHUUUA (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
14. City Of Blinding Lights #U2360STL
DREAM OUT LOUD (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Agora City (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
check out my pics from the Winnipeg show!! www.flickr.com/photos/h... (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Zooropa o/ (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
"Don't worry baby, it's gonna be alright..you got the rights shoes to get through the night.." ♪ #u2360stl
Zooropa...dont worry baby. Its gonna be alright... (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
take your head out of mud baby #U2360STL
#U2 BRASIL!!!! (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Zooropa is our song!!! #U2360BRA (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
So far #U2360STL is verbatim of #U2360TOR
I hear voices #U2360STL}
BRAZIL 00:16 (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Get your head out of the mud baby #U2360STL