U2 St. Louis 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360stl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in St. Louis with the hashtag #u2360stl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3494 tweets for the hashtag #u2360stl between 7 Jul 2011, 13:19 and 20 Jul 2011, 23:21 CDT
RT @CE_TV: Stream back with 06. Get on your boots #U2360STL (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
LOVE BETHHHHHHHHHHHH (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
06 - Get on your boots #U2360STL
Get On Your Boots #U2360STL
06. Get On Your Boots #U2360STL
volvio! (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
GET ON YOUR BOOTS!!! U2360STL (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Back! Future needs a big kiss! xD You don't knowww (8)! xD (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Voltou! Get on you boots! twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360STL
06. Boots #U2360STL
You don´t know how beautiful YOU AREEEE (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
6. Get On Your Boots #U2360STL
6. Get On Youir Boots #U2360STL
Yeah, Beth (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Boots #U2360STL
Volvio!!!! #u2360STL
let me in the souuuund #U2360STL
6. Get On Your Boots #U2360STL
Get on your boots #U2360STL
UHUUUUUUUUU (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
06-Get On Your Boots - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360STL #U2News
6. BOOTS #U2360STL
voltou saporra! #U2360STL
06. Get on your boots #U2360STL
yessssssssssssss (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
6. Get On Your Boots #U2 #U2360STL
we're back !!! (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
live from U2360 twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360STL
RT @bethandbono: Battery!!! BRB ... twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360STL
I Will Follow. Then Get on Your Boots #U2360STL
Waiting... (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Hey you folks sweating it out at #U2360STL - what time is the show supposed to be over?
RT @1065thearch: Change of pace at Busch Stadium tonight. Fans don't have to worry about a bad ending since the @stlcardinals bullpen isn't there #u2360stl
"@U2_WalkOn: 03-Mysterious Ways #U2360STL" // Mi canción!
RT @akmcquade: win! :D RT @atu2: For those just tuning in, #U2360stl video live stream courtesy of @bethandbono: twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #u2
Oh! changing battery, no worries :3 (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
@mvrosaa graças a Deus!!! (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Bem na hora que iam tocar Boots (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
porraaaaaa... STREAM FICOU OFF?? manocú viu! #U2360STL
livestream: twitcasting.tv/bethandb... + webcam: t.co/L1heTob #U2 #U2360 #U2360STL
Menos mal ela tem reserva XD (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
It's hotter than a witch's clit. Proper tag. #U2360STL
It's hard to pay attention to #U2360STL tonight. 10 years ago, I saw U2 for the first time in St. Louis. It will always be my U2 town.
Stream off,por causa da bateria =( #U2360STL
RT @atu2: Live stream from @bethandbono will return in a moment...battery issues...please stand by :) #U2360STL
Thank you so much! :) (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Lá foi ela trocar a bateria do celular... waiting... #U2360STL
THANK YOU SO MUCH bethandbono for the live stream!!:)#U2360STL (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Ela disse que ia trocar a bateria (#U2360STL live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )