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U2 St. Louis 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360stl

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in St. Louis with the hashtag #u2360stl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3494 tweets for the hashtag #u2360stl between 7 Jul 2011, 13:19 and 20 Jul 2011, 23:21 CDT

U2 just drove in. About 10 of us waiting. #U2360STL

RT @bethandbono: Entourage just drove by! Bono rolled down window and waved!! #U2360STL

Been enjoying STL for a couple of days. Great view of The Claw from the Arch. U2 on stage in four hours. @atu2 #U2360STL

Entourage just drove by! Bono rolled down window and waved!! #U2360STL

#U2360stl , going to be the hottest show so far! and humid...

Here we go.... #U2360STL

#U2360STL two hours until show time and I am melting.

Charlie Gitto's is getting in the spirit. #u2360stl

O importante é que tem show do U2 hoje,galere!!! o/ #U2360STL

RT @magster18: #U2360stl have heard on the grapevine that fast cars being played ??

Getting ready to head to Busch Stadium! #U2360STL

sooo ready!! #U2360stl , St. Louis , Busch Stadium , U ready!?

Smoking hot in downtown STL. Hoping it cools down for U2 concert #U2360STL

I am so pumped to go watch U2 at Busch stadium tonight! #U2360STL

RT @u2_news: What time is it in the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360STL

#U2360stl have heard on the grapevine that fast cars being played ??

It seriously looks like they're bringing the line in behind the claw behind edge side corner, instead of opposite by sound board. #u2360stl

Headed to #u2360stl #u2stl (@ Sunnen Metrolink Station)

folks, there'll be some stream for #U2360STL?! =D

RT @U2TOURFANS: St Louis show to be hottest show on the tour - beating out Nashville ( for the heat ) #U2360STL

Maybe Bono should rethink full leather for tonight. Don't know how he didn't pass out in Nashville from wearing it in the heat! #U2360STL

RT @u2_news: What time is it in the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360STL

Off to u2 #U2360STL. Nicely done, #jpnwnt

For the Rev Martin Luther King SINGGGGG.... #u2360stl

RT @U2TOURFANS: St Louis show to be hottest show on the tour - beating out Nashville ( for the heat ) #U2360STL

Bring it on! RT @U2TOURFANS St Louis show to be hottest show on tour - beating out Nashville (for the heat) #U2360STL

@mdavidbrown No, you wish you were about to see #U2360STL #priorities

I'm ready. I'm ready for what's next. #u2360stl

RT @beth_may: hee !Dave's GA Line Timewasters RT @atu2: PIC from the #u2360stl GA line, a tent mocked up to look like the claw

Getting ready to head out to #u2stl #u2360stl - taking the metro for the first time!

Something pretty cool about getting ready to head to #U2360STL and hearing my 8 yr old daughter singing Beautiful Day. I've taught her well.

About to leave for #U2360stl is it bad that I can tell u w/i 1/2 songs the entire setlist? The snippets should be interesting tonight! #stl

Coming on from Springfield, IL area #u2360stl

As much as I'd like to see another U2 show, I'm really glad I'm not in #U2360STL right now! The heat in #U2360VU was enough for me!

Metrolink or drive in and park? #u2360stl

Here to sell beer for some concert... #U2360STL #fb (@ Busch Stadium w/ 10 others)

REALLY? @U2TOURFANS STL To be hottest show on the tour - beating out Nashville (for the heat ) #U2360STL - sound bout the same to me - gross

My goodness, its hot. #U2360STL #wellworthit

@U2TOURFANS too hot in Athens too ... but without U2 ... Boys we miss u so much #U2 #U2360STL

"Hottest show of the tour beating out Nashville." Really? 3 more hours!!! #U2360STL Can't wait.

@CapnKeeks Fingers crossed u girls get where u want to b. Let us no when u r in. #U2360STL

RT @U2TOURFANS: St Louis show to be hottest show on the tour - beating out Nashville ( for the heat ) #U2360STL

39 wins! 14 second! USA in overtime? U2 at Busch Stadium tonight? #whataday #U2360STL

RT @U2TOURFANS: St Louis show to be hottest show on the tour - beating out Nashville ( for the heat ) #U2360STL

RT @U2TOURFANS: Follow the show tonight via #U2360STL Live updates all night long

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