U2 Toronto 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360tor
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Toronto with the hashtag #u2360tor. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2062 tweets for the hashtag #u2360tor between 30 May 2011, 20:48 and 19 Jul 2011, 19:53 EDT

#Tonight in #Toronto at the #RogersCentre #U2: Raw #Video U2 #Rogers #Centre on #YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v... #u2360 #u2360tor

RT @U2sKorea: U2의 캐나다 토론토 콘서트가 곧 시작합니다. 토론토 콘서트장인 로저스 센터 구장의 사진입니다. twitpic.com/5osqa2 (via @dorsey) 영상,음성 생중계가 있으면 알려드릴게요~ #U2360TOR

RT @atu2: RT @JillKrajewski: Bono stuck a fan's flag in his pants "I got Canada shining down my backside!" #u2360tor

Seeing #U2 in concert is very inspring. Leaving the #U2360TOR concert feeling optimistic & happy. It truly is a beautiful day!

time to sleep now , tomorrow I upload more videos of #u2360tor

RT @DeVotchKaGrrrl: Beautiful night under the stars w/ my boys #U2. I'm at loss for words. So much history w/ this band...so much love for this band ♥ #U2360TOR

RT @joho31: Going to bed... Thinking of Bono... #U2360TOR was probably the best I've ever seen the boys do :)

Well worth the wait! RT @PatMJohnson Great time w/ @JulieeJohnsonn at #U2360TOR. Bought these tickets 4 her almost 2 yrs ago as a present!

I just got in from #u2360tor and it was unreal

U2 Concert Review in Toronto: A Beautiful Day and Night. Weather stays dry and roof stays open - #U2360Tor adrianbrijbassi.com/201...

I've seen #U2 3x in the past 20+ years and each time they blow me away! Best band ever & a great concert at #U2360TOR!

The wait in the general admission line from 9am-5pm then waiting till 7:30 for interpol and another 45 for #U2 was well worth it! #U2360TOR
2am: wow. that was friggin awesome. #U2360TOR Great chillin with peeps afterwards... time to sleep.

Loved that the dome was open at #U2360TOR even tho that meant it was a hot & humid night. Great ambiance 2 see the night sky & the CN Tower.

RT @atu2: +1 RT @Trap_33: @atu2 thought you might enjoy these pics. U2 Toronto, July 11 2011 / Rogers Centre #U2360TOR flic.kr/s/ ...
@clickflickca Totally! Completely! It was The Sweetest Thing! I sm in debt to the host who invited me! #U2360TOR

Fantastic time at #U2360TOR & love seeing all the Twitter talk about it, even tho it is now 2am on a Monday night!!!
@clickflickca Skybox ruined me for future concerts! #U2360TOR
@clickflickca Yup last min invite and got to sit in skybox 3 complete wt food n booze #ftw #U2360TOR

The music was superb, the light show amazing! Thank you U2! #u2360TOR making a night that I'll nev... pk.gd/AKyd

Larry Mullen Jr. on drums #u2 @ #u2360TOR pk.gd/AKyc

Bono #u2 at #u2360TOR doing his thing. Bonovox! pk.gd/AKyC
Hello #SITClub post-U2 concert! woo! #U2360TOR

The CN Tower from the Rogers Centre #u2360TOR. The best show from the best band ever! pk.gd/AKyB

U2 360 Tour in TO! Whooohooooo! #u2360TOR pk.gd/AKya

Absolutely loved #U2; the best band in the universe! #U2360TOR

RT @atu2: RT @JillKrajewski: Bono stuck a fan's flag in his pants "I got Canada shining down my backside!" #u2360tor

Spiritual night of rock tonight in Toronto #U2360TOR #whatwouldbonodo

@Trap_33 You must have been standing right behind me! My pics are from the same angle - same distance. GREAT show #U2360TOR

Going to bed... Thinking of Bono... #U2360TOR was probably the best I've ever seen the boys do :)

RT @TheSlickestRick: Had a gr8 night w/ my bro @marcocerenzia at the #U2360TOR show tonight! Happy he really liked his 1st concert! #U2 ...

#u2360tor @u2com phone was by my side incase she went into labor.

#u2360tor @u2com Great show in TDot Bought tickets almost 2 yrs ago wife was unable to attend b/c she is pregnant and due today.

Had a gr8 night w/ my bro @marcocerenzia at the #U2360TOR show tonight! Happy he really liked his 1st concert! #U2 yfrog.com/kimuctj

Thankful to have seen my guitar hero @360FromTheEdge live at #U2360TOR #euphoricguitar #U2 yfrog.com/kexkarmj

Goodbye #Toronto it was fun, especially seeing #u2! Will upoad and post pics tomorrow - got several hundred + vids lol #u2360 #u2360tor
Loved the Achtung Baby! Hi lite tonight. And dusting off 'Rejoice' was really cool #soundtrackofmylife #u2360TOR

Seriously, #U2 ROCKED it again tonight. Well done, boys. Hope you have a new album planned and new tour! #U2360TOR

Weather cooperated, dome stayed open, epic setlist, amazing lightshow. Thanks, #U2360TOR. Worth the 15 hour drive.
#u2360TOR I stood beside a really cute girl at the show. I think her name was Emily. I was on edge's side and on the inside circle.

Amazing!!!!!! #U2360TOR

@atu2 thought you might enjoy these pics. U2 Toronto, July 11 2011 / Rogers Centre #U2360TOR flic.kr/s/aHsjvthraL

U2 Toronto THIRTY image stitch iphoneography.posterous... #autostitch #iphoneography #u2360tor

This might be my favorite pic from U2 Live in Toronto Tonight!!!! #U2360TOR flic.kr/p/a2WDrb

RT @bonoserch: Yo prefiero Ultraviolet pero en fin =(... #U2360TOR

@U2gigs here is my picture set from tonights show in Toronto. Enjoy. #U2360TOR flic.kr/s/aHsjvthraL

U2 In Toronto tonight #u2360TOR flic.kr/p/a2TMc6

RT @Trap_33: Bono brings a young fan named Easton on stage! #u2 #U2360TOR flic.kr/p/a2TG1X

RT @toronto_rt: RT @Trap_33 My Pics from tonight's #U2 Show in Toronto. What a great show #U2360TOR #Toronto #U2360TOUR flic.kr/s/aHsjvthraL