U2 Winnipeg 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360wpg
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Winnipeg with the hashtag #u2360wpg. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1890 tweets for the hashtag #u2360wpg between 29 May 2011, 20:58 and 28 Jun 2011, 16:37 CDT
Nothing like a spark after a long #U2360wpg night (@ Starbucks) 4sq.com/mA6q9o
Beautiful Day, Heart of Gold, Pride (In the Name of Love) #U2360wpg www.youtube.com/watch?v... Entire grandstand was rocking
RT @HeatherAllard: #u2360tour #u2360wpg u2 was a class act! Bono made fun of the fact that his tech spelled Winnipeg as winipeg on the screen
I suspect many office cubicles are blasting U2 right now... #U2hangover #u2360wpg #u2wpg
RT @WinnipegNews: At #U2 last night? Check out our feed of crowd tweets & photos, & @DoubleEmMartin's review www.winnipegfreepress.c... #u2360wpg #u2wpg #winnipeg
Well..? What did everyone think of the U2 concert? #U2360Wpg
RT @fakebono: He's happy now. His seat on the 360 jet has a personal heating system. #U2360WPG
RT @fakebono: I can't believe we had to end the show early because of weather. Larry was getting too cold. What a wuss. #U2360WPG
@EdgeFest Is your stream from last night still available somewhere? I hear it is excellent! #u2360wpg
@catfysh I hope you enjoyed the #U2 show last night :) It was the coldest one I've been to! Pics and review will be up shortly. #U2360WPG
#u2360tour #u2360wpg u2 was a class act! Bono made fun of the fact that his tech spelled Winnipeg as winipeg on the screen
Have to say, kinda sad it's come and gone #U2360WPG
Stay, AIWIY, Zooropa!!! Who could ask for more?? Redzone 1 #U2360WPG
www.u2.com/news/title/a... #U2360WPG #U2360CAN
www.u2.com/news/title/u... #U2360WPG #U2360CAN
RT @nanda_evans: Photo: BONO #U2360WPG 2011. =) tumblr.com/xbj2raph3a
RT @WinnipegNews: #U2 wows #Winnipeg: a gallery of images from the concert by photojournalist @dave_101 www.winnipegfreepress.c... #u2360wpg #u2wpg
@gregsobie Great show! Bono giving his all. Adam looked cold up there! Shame it finished early. No Moment of Surrender @ the end. #U2360WPG
Wish I was back in line today #U2360WPG. There's no line on the horizon anymore ☹. Minneapolis maybe? Consider it being worked on. ☺ \m/
I agree #U2360Wpg RT@patmacc: The show last night was the best I have ever seen."
'Did that guitarist have white hair?' My mom #u2360WPG
This is the magnificent Adam Clayton looking like when an angel hits the ground #u2360WPG lockerz.com/s/106207722
E ai... será q posso voltar pra noite de ontem? #U2360WPG
"Because two Portuguese students..." Thank you Bono! <3 #U2360WPG #U2WPG www.youtube.com/watch?v... via @youtube
U2 in Canad Inns Stadium, Winnipeg (29/05) – Setlist, Videos and Photos #U2360WPG #U2WPG u2nt.com/2011/05/u2-in-... via @U2_NT
RT @WinnipegNews: #U2 wows #Winnipeg: a gallery of images from the concert by photojournalist @dave_101 www.winnipegfreepress.c... #u2360wpg #u2wpg
One more: "I can't remember which one is Larry and which one is Adam". My Mom. #u2360wpg
"There was a nice young man sitting next to me who knew all the words to all the songs". My Mom #u2360wpg
"I liked when they showed younger pictures of them during 'Streets'". My Mom. #u2360wpg
"I didn't find it loud at all" My Mom. #u2360wpg
Photo: nandaevans: tumblr.com/xuj2raq6js
Photo: BONO #U2360WPG 2011. =) tumblr.com/xbj2raph3a
@trevorlibrarian @shebelia @jdevilleneuve @stasavee mine aren't bad but my dogs are sure barking! #u2360wpg
The Fray were alright, but I'm glad I can free up a little space on the iPod now! #u2360wpg
@shebelia I'm still proudly sporting 572! (and my neck tat!) #u2360wpg
U2 rocked last night! #U2360WPG
RT @U2BROTHR: Check this video out -- U2 - ONE - WINNIPEG - MAY 29 2011 www.youtube.com/watch?v... via @youtube Bono's shout out to me at 1:02! #U2360 #U2360WPG
My queendom for a MP3 of that awesome version of Magnificent that was played at #u2360WPG
RT @U2BROTHR: Check this video out -- U2 - ONE - WINNIPEG - MAY 29 2011 www.youtube.com/watch?v... via @youtube Bono's shout out to me at 1:02! #U2360 #U2360WPG
RT @WinnipegNews: #U2 wows #Winnipeg: a gallery of images from the concert by photojournalist @dave_101 www.winnipegfreepress.c... #u2360wpg #u2wpg
#U2360WPG here's some more shots from last night's show! yfrog.com/h0pflinyj t.co/WRBm4i0 t.co/Qviyjpg