U2 Glastonbury 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2glasto
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Glastonbury with the hashtag #u2glasto. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 7881 tweets for the hashtag #u2glasto between 20 Jun 2011, 16:59 and 4 Jul 2011, 06:43 GMT
Had to work today so I missed #U2Glasto - thinking I might try posting videos in order of setlist via Tumblr later - just a head's up!
RT @U2_NT: 100+ photos from tonight #U2Glasto #U2360Glasto in our album www.facebook.com/media/... . Also videos in our facebook wall! Enjoy :)
E eles fecharam com Out of Control! Bono e companhia voltando às raízes. youtu.be/_8z59QxJ2dM Cara, isso arrepia. #U2GLASTO
U2 talk to the BBC after their Glastonbury headline set www.youtube.com/das_cap... #U2Glasto
RT @TrendsLondon: #u2glasto is now trending in #London trendsmap.com/gb/london
Ouvindo o audio q baixei do @thiagocholant do #U2Glasto Ficou demais... brigaduuu Thi! O momento já está eternizado em audio! =) #U2Lovers
RT @wonderbooks: Melhor versão EVER de I will follow! #U2GLASTO
Melhor versão EVER de I will follow! #U2GLASTO
@JoseLuisJacome #U2Glasto =) y maniana WTFest !
Acabei de assistir o show do U2 no Glastonbury e isso me fez lembrar como eu queria que alguém tivesse me abraçado no fim do show. #U2glasto
Acabei de assistir o show do U2 no Glastonbury e isso me fez lembrar como eu queria que alguém tivesse me abraço no fim do show. #U2glasto
#NowPlaying Moment Of Surrender - U2 #U2Glasto www.youtube.com/das_cap...
RT @U2_NT: www.facebook.com/pages/... #U2Glasto 200 pro pics! VIVID COLORS! AWESOME! ENJOY :)
#U2Glasto I've never been more proud to be a #U2 fan.
www.facebook.com/pages/... #U2Glasto 200 pro pics! VIVID COLORS! AWESOME! ENJOY :)
Aaand we're up and running. Did I miss anything? Damn, I did! #U2Glasto
Daria tudo pra ver isso ao vivo #U2Glasto
RT @ultravioletu2: It's a beautiful night in Worthy Farm, Pilton, England. IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! #U2Glasto
RT @u2ers: "All Of this, all of this can be yours" #U2Glasto
RT @ultravioletu2: "one more? our first single..." aaaaaaaaaah! me destrói, U2: OUT OF CONTROOOOOOL!!! #U2Glasto
RT @ultravioletu2: you got style, I got soul. you got spirit, we're out of control!!! #U2Glasto
RT @ultravioletu2: "thank you for the life you've given us, we're out of control though" #U2Glasto
“@julesport: I'm wide awake... I'm not sleeping!!! #bad #u2glasto #cantsleep” ..If I could I would...let it go..surrender..dislocate
RT @fakebono: Any questions, bitches? #U2GLASTO
Linda imagem #U2Glasto www.facebook.com/photo....
Tudo muito simples: 4 senhores na casa dos 50 anos + uma guitarra + um baixo + uma bateria + a voz = melhor show da face da Terra! #U2GLASTO
Contrary to popular belief, I was walking through Glastonbury, and I DID think I was Bono. #U2Glasto
RT @WonderBooks: U2 provou em Glastonbury que não precisa de palco 360° e pirotecnias pra mostrar porque é a maior banda do planeta! Pura emoção #U2Glasto
U2 provou em Glastonbury que não precisa de palco 360° e pirotecnias pra mostrar porque é a maior banda do planeta! Pura emoção #U2Glasto
#U2Glasto www.youtube.com/das_cap... #Complete #Videos
“@U2log: Yellow / MOS from Glasto: www.youtube.com/das_cap... #u2glasto”
RT @u2_news: Glastonbury Festival U2011 - Videos noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2Glasto #U2News (LINK CORREGIDO)
U2 WITH OR WITHOUT YOU LIVE FROM GLASONBURY 2011 www.youtube.com/das_cap... #U2 #U2GLASTO
@spenceeastwood "@u2gigs Here we go, the full Glastonbury setlist and write-up: www.u2gigs.com/article8... #U2Glasto"
@spenceeastwood "@atu2 U2 Set List: Glastonbury, June 24, 2011 www.atu2.com/news/u2-se... #u2glasto"
Now watching U2 Glastonbury www.youtube.com/das_cap... #U2Glasto
8:30 on a Friday night and Granny's heading for a bubble bath. Hmmm - Giants' game on the radio, or U2Glasto I recorded on TuneInRadio app?
8:30 on a Friday night and Granny's heading for a bubble bath. Hmmm - Giants' game on the radio, or U2Glasto I recorded on TuneInRadio app?
AMAZING! RT @atu2 Here's our slideshow of #u2glasto BBC screenshots on Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/a...
Between #U2Glasto & #NHLDraft tweets, my twitter feed has been working overtime tonight. #eyesaretired #scrolling
youtu.be/5qhOkNAx8RI Eée, eu sem duvida gostaria de estar lá, cantando One com aquela multidão ... OH LORD Why ?? = / #U2Glasto