U2 Glastonbury 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2glasto
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Glastonbury with the hashtag #u2glasto. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 7881 tweets for the hashtag #u2glasto between 20 Jun 2011, 16:59 and 4 Jul 2011, 06:43 GMT
THANK GOD!!! :) #U2Glasto
que chique: mensagem para Glastonbury direto da Estacao Espacial Internacional #U2Glasto
Oha, Verbindung zur ISS #u2glasto #u2360gla
10- Beautiful Day #U2GLASTO
Bd #u2glasto
RT @U2place: 10. beautiful day #u2glasto #u2
RT @ultravioletu2: STAY... difícil acompanhar Bono, o cara sempre muda a letra... kkkkk #U2Glasto
Mentalizem a cena: Liliane + canudinhos de maionese + refri + #U2GLASTO. Cada uma...
10. Beautiful Day #U2Glasto
RT @DutchU2Fan: 10. Beautiful Day #U2Glasto #U2360GLA
Ha, connection with the ISS :-) #onlyU2 #U2glasto
10.Beautiful Day #u2glasto
RT @u2gigs: Next up is Beautiful Day. This is a lot more 360ish than I expected (in terms of song selection I mean) #U2Glasto
toma no cu, olha o Bono dentro dessa roupa de courao, caralho, vai se foder #U2Glasto
U2 playing a blinder. #U2Glasto
Oh God..... Please not In A Little While...... #U2Glasto
Rejoice/Walk on? #U2Glasto
10. Beautiful Day #U2Glasto #U2360GLA
RT @u2aovivo: de volta aos anos 90, galera. #ZooTv #U2Glasto
#u2glasto onde que voces tao vendo?
Beautiful Day #U2Glasto
E sim, Beautiful Day... numa noite chuvosa #U2Glasto
#U2GLASTO Beautiful Day
And Beautiful Day #U2glasto Mark Kelly intro...
Beautiful Day #U2Glasto
An angel hits the ground. #u2glasto
RT @isamoras: Linda, linda, linda "Stay"! E o público é um show à parte! #U2GLASTO
RT @u2aovivo: de volta aos anos 90, galera. #ZooTv #U2Glasto
ISS #U2Glasto #U2360GLA
Ligação à estação espacial internacional! #U2Glasto
Loving #U2Glasto - would love to hear Bono sing Summer Wine! #itsbeentoolong
O Bono morreu agora com a galera cantando Stay #u2glasto
Next up is Beautiful Day. This is a lot more 360ish than I expected (in terms of song selection I mean) #U2Glasto
Little Speech #U2Glasto #U2360GLA
RT @u2aovivo: de volta aos anos 90, galera. #ZooTv #U2Glasto
Wish I had a clue about proxy servers #U2glasto
10. beautiful day #u2glasto #u2
Bono moet alleen niet gaan preken.... #U2glasto
Beautiful Day #u2glasto
#U2Glasto Beautiful Day
As an angel runs to ground #U2GLASTO
U2 #u2glasto
@ellenjuliane estou sim OhoOooOHHH #u2glasto
Prob my fave U2 song! RT @fm104gavin: Stay far away so close ......what a song !! #u2glasto
RT @maritenorio_: E falo mais. Somos fãs sofredores, mas somos os mais recompensados e os mais felizes do mundo! #U2Glasto
RT @u2aovivo: quem acha que o próximo Glastonbury tem que ser no Brasil, dá RT! #U2Glasto
@u2com #u2glasto Stay - one of my faves, sounding as impressive as ever! i wish i was soaked to the skin with them!
Linda, linda, linda "Stay"! E o público é um show à parte! #U2GLASTO