Carter-Finley Stadium - Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
We found 2 listings for Carter-Finley Stadium, Raleigh. Select a show for details. Below the concert list is a list of all songs and snippets played at this location. Click on the song title to view the song's page, containing details of every known performance. Click on the number in brackets beside the song's title to view the dates on which it was performed at this location.
1997-05-29 - Raleigh, USA - Carter-Finley Stadium
360° Tour- 2009-10-03 - Raleigh, USA - Carter-Finley Stadium
PopMart Tour
We found 23 different songs played during these shows.
- Beautiful Day (1 time)
- Breathe (1 time)
- City of Blinding Lights (1 time)
- Elevation (1 time)
- Get on Your Boots (1 time)
- I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (1 time)
- I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (1 time)
- In a Little While (1 time)
- Magnificent (1 time)
- MLK (1 time)
- Moment of Surrender (1 time)
- Mysterious Ways (1 time)
- New Year's Day (1 time)
- No Line On The Horizon (1 time)
- One (1 time)
- Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of (1 time)
- Sunday Bloody Sunday (1 time)
- The Unforgettable Fire (1 time)
- Ultraviolet (Light My Way) (1 time)
- Vertigo (1 time)
- Walk On (1 time)
- Where the Streets Have No Name (1 time)
- With or Without You (1 time)
We found 9 different snippets played during these shows.
- Amazing Grace (1 time)
- C Moon (1 time)
- Hear Us Coming (1 time)
- Mofo (1 time)
- People Get Ready (1 time)
- Rock The Casbah (1 time)
- Stand By Me (1 time)
- Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) (1 time)
- You'll Never Walk Alone (1 time)
Songs from 7 U2 albums have been played during these shows. Snippets are not counted.
- No Line on the Horizon (6 songs)
- All That You Can't Leave Behind (5 songs)
- Achtung Baby (3 songs)
- The Joshua Tree (3 songs)
- How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (2 songs)
- The Unforgettable Fire (2 songs)
- War (2 songs)
Opening songs
- Breathe (1)
Closing songs
- Moment of Surrender (1)
Other locations U2 played in Raleigh.
All other locations U2 played in North Carolina.
- Charlotte - Charlotte Coliseum
- Chapel Hill - Kenan Stadium
- Raleigh - WQDR Radio
- Charlotte - New Charlotte Arena
The most accurate U2 setlist archive on the web.
Often plagiarised, never matched.
Often plagiarised, never matched.