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U2 Vertigo Tour

Vertigo Tour 5th leg: The Pacific

: Aloha Stadium - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

View all performances at Aloha Stadium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

U2 Community Of Fans Camp Out For Concert

(published on 2006-11-08)

Source: The Hawaii Channel

Fans started lining up on Thursday afternoon for Saturday night's U2 concert at Aloha Stadium.

The group bought general admission tickets for the field at Aloha Stadium and get no chance of reserving a seat.

The group in line by 9 a.m. spanned more than 100 people long. KITV spoke with the man wearing wristband No. 118.

"There's some guys next to us from Colombia. We're the first people from the islands that are in line," said Sinclair Anderson, of Waimea.

"We got in yesterday. We started traveling from South America on Tuesday," said Jaime Rodriguez, of Bogota, Colombia.

The fans were from all over the world. One couple is in line in Hawaii on their honeymoon from Vancouver, Canada. Most of them have seen each other before, before other U2 concerts in similar lines.

They issue their own wristbands, with their names and numbers recorded in a book by someone -- in this case, by No. 3.

They are serious U2 fans.

KITV asked one fan how many times she has seen U2 in concert.

"Since 'Joshua Tree,' I'd say over 30 times, maybe even 40, 50,"said Cindy Carde, of New York.

The prize goes to fan Donna McClain from Port Hueme, Calif.

"This will be 102," she said.

McClain even has pictures of herself with U2 frontman Bono.

"I met him the first time in 1987, and this one about four years ago," she said flashing her photos. You may be asking yourself: Do these people have a real life? KITV asked wristband No. 2.

"I've heard of real life, but I'm not sure I've ever been there," Tanya Ensom, of London, said laughing. "No, I work, and obviously you have to save up money to do things like this, but that's not important."


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