We found 6 listings for Hollywood. Select a show for details. Below the concert list is a list of all songs and snippets played at this location. Click on the song title to view the song's page, containing details of every known performance. Click on the number in brackets beside the song's title to view the dates on which it was performed at this location.
- 2011-10-15 - Hollywood, USA - Hollywood Bowl
- 2011-10-15 - Hollywood, USA - Hollywood Bowl
- 2016-11-15 - Hollywood, USA - El Capitan Theatre
- 2017-05-23 - Hollywood, USA - El Capitan Theatre
- 2017-11-28 - Hollywood, USA - El Capitan Theatre
- 2018-11-19 - Hollywood, USA - El Capitan Theatre
Various Dates
We found 14 different songs played during these shows.
- If We Don't Help People With AIDS, We're Going To Hell (4 times)
- I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (2 times)
- Interview (2 times)
- One For My Baby (And One More For The Road) (2 times)
- A Man And A Woman (1 time)
- Bulletproof Pride (1 time)
- Desire (1 time)
- Miss Sarajevo (1 time)
- One (1 time)
- Staring at the Sun (1 time)
- Stayin' Alive (1 time)
- Sunday Bloody Sunday (1 time)
- The Little Things That Give You Away (1 time)
- What A Year This Has Been (1 time)
We found 2 different snippets played during these shows.
Songs from 9 U2 albums have been played during these shows. Snippets are not counted.
- Cover songs (5 songs)
- Achtung Baby (1 song)
- How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (1 song)
- Passengers: Original Soundtracks 1 (1 song)
- Pop (1 song)
- Rattle And Hum (1 song)
- Songs of Experience (1 song)
- The Joshua Tree (1 song)
- War (1 song)
Opening songs
Closing songs
- If We Don't Help People With AIDS, We're Going To Hell (3)
- Miss Sarajevo (1)
- Bulletproof Pride (1)
- The Little Things That Give You Away (1)
The most accurate U2 setlist archive on the web.
Often plagiarised, never matched.
Often plagiarised, never matched.