

U2gigs.com - U2:UV Achtung Baby Live at the Sphere 2023/2024

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U2 Boy Tour

Boy 4th leg: North America

: Barrymore's - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

View all performances at Barrymore's, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


  1. The Ocean
Comments: Setlist is incomplete. U2's first of only three concerts in the Canadian capital. Early advertisements bill them as being from England, something corrected closer to the actual date of performance; despite this, a review in the Ottawa Citizen the next day calls them a "British group" in the headline. An ad in the same paper the day of the concert named the group as U-2.

This show is one of the rare few where the complete contract for the concert is known. U2 receive 100% headline billing and have a fee of $750 USD. Capacity is limited to 250 people (despite later reports that claim 400 were in attendance). The contract for the concert was signed the month prior.

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Songs from 1 U2 albums have been played during this show. Snippets are not counted.

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