U2 Anaheim 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360ana
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Anaheim with the hashtag #u2360ana. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 4248 tweets for the hashtag #u2360ana between 1 Jun 2011, 06:20 and 1 Jul 2011, 22:12 PDT
The band is sound-checking The Fly #U2360ANA
Band soundcheck. The fly #U2360ANA
@PartyU2 Same here. What is your last favorite U2 DVD? #U2360ANA
Whats your setlist choice tonight ? #U2360ANA www.u2tourfans.com/u2-t... Thanks for following the show tonight with us
No creo que en el soundchek hayan tocado lady with the spinning head verdad?? ... verdad???? #U2360ANA
@PartyU2 Love the Boston DVD, too! #U2360ANA
RT @PartyU2: The Fly e Bad é para matar qualquer um!!!! #U2360ANA
RT @PartyU2: The Fly e Bad é para matar qualquer um!!!! #U2360ANA
The Fly e Bad é para matar qualquer um!!!! #U2360ANA
So to recap: assuming all reports correct, crew checked Electric Co, IYWTVD, UTEOTW, AIWIY, COBL, Zooropa, EBTTRT, The Fly, Bad #U2360ANA
@partygirlu2 I think that photo was taken when they performed The Fly on their Elevation Tour. Lovely! #U2360ANA
RT @u2gigs: Reports that the crew have gone onto Bad. And it seems that U2 may have just arrived. #U2360ANA
"@LinerNotes: Rolling to U2 @AngelStadium. Let me in the sound! #U2360ANA" Have fun!!!!
RT @u2_news: U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - Todo listo en Anaheim noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360ANA #U2360USA #U2News
Uff, espero que haya streaming #U2360ANA
RT @u2gigs: Reports that the crew have gone onto Bad. And it seems that U2 may have just arrived. #U2360ANA
Reports that the crew have gone onto Bad. And it seems that U2 may have just arrived. #U2360ANA
RT @U2Baja 2 helicopters have just landed #u2360ana lads.???* twitpic.com/5cz2k6
Concert bound! #U2360ANA
What time did they give the wristbands anyone. #U2360ANA
Maybe we will have some surprise tonight ;) #U2360ANA RT @ritababy Bad.. Sound check
3:33 on the day of the show!!! #U2360ANA
Bad sound checked! Well guitar- #u2360ana
Bad soundcheck crew only. #U2360ANA
#U2360ANA #U2360ANA what time did they give wristbands
In the merch line for #U2360ANA. Thinking of @themerchdude.
Have you seen Memphis Mullen ? #U2360ANA www.u2tourfans.com/u2-t...
Thanks to @U2Baja for confirming that the soundcheck is all techs so far #U2360ANA
RT @U2Baja Techs are doing the soundcheck #u2360ana twitpic.com/5cyykt
RT @U2Baja Techs are doing the soundcheck #u2360ana twitpic.com/5cyykt
U2 soundchecking The Fly right now in Anaheim #u2360ana #atu2
RT @u2_news: U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - Todo listo en Anaheim noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360ANA #U2360USA #U2News