U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
Lots of heavy breathing up here in row 80 at #U2360EDM, tho sadly due more to the climb & altitude than more warming pursuits. @Drewforward
@hjwallace1 - enjoy the show from what looks like RED ZONE :) - looking forward to yours and other tweet updaters from tonight in #U2360EDM
@BigwaveU2 time for the Fray to hustle up? Ok lights go down. Fray after this song. #U2360EDM
The Fray no palco, e eu daqui a pouco na minha cama! RT @hjwallace1 The Fray take the stage. #U2360EDM twitpic.com/55ogs6
@EdgeFest And the claw strikes again! Telling you it sucks date networks into the #U2 netherworld! #U2360EDM
@hjwallace1 FINALLY! Yay! #U2360EDM
Wow. I hope the U2 soundcheck was better than The Fray (of they got one). They sound awful... #U2360EDM
Network at #u2360edm slow, but thanks to @skatesrobert for the update that finally got through :-)
Hello Hello, I'm at a place called Vertigo #U2360EDM #yeg (@ Commonwealth Stadium w/ @kfergy) [pic]: 4sq.com/isX8rl
The Fray = <3 #yeg #U2360EDM
RT @BigwaveU2: #WTIIITW? ..... (What Time Is It In The World?) ..... #U2360EDM
RT @EdgeFest: Worries about network tonight at #U2360EDM - doubt I will get a feed out tonight guys :( I am so sorry. Will if I can!!!
The best of the #U2360EDM chatter from their #yeg show is chronicled here. edmjr.nl/TimelineU2 #yegmusic
RT @fisheyefoto: Sure hope this big Space Invader thing doesn`t take a dump on the band. #u2360edm #yegmusic
RT @BigwaveU2: Live interactive fan stream & comments / images / tweets & updates right right through #U2360EDM - www.u2.com/community/in...
RT @BigwaveU2: Live interactive fan stream & comments / images / tweets & updates right right through #U2360EDM - www.u2.com/community/in...
Sure hope this big Space Invader thing doesn`t take a dump on the band. #u2360edm #yegmusic
RT @BigwaveU2: Live interactive fan stream & comments / images / tweets & updates right right through #U2360EDM - www.u2.com/community/in...
Overwhelmed by the ##u2360edm talk on Twitter? See the best of the Tweets here: storify.com/edmontonsun... #yeg
Cool! Mr. Clean`s grandson is onstage. #u2360edm #yegmusic
Seriously this is a gong show. #U2360EDM
Live interactive fan stream & comments / images / tweets & updates right right through #U2360EDM - www.u2.com/community/in...
@EdgeFest that's okay honey. if you can, that'd be awesome, but if you can't we understand. #U2360EDM
@hjwallace1 @SarahStoneJ333 Seriously? Why does that not surprise me. LOL. #U2360EDM
Worries about network tonight at #U2360EDM - doubt I will get a feed out tonight guys :( I am so sorry. Will if I can!!!
RT @hjwallace1: @wxander well fray is still not on. Sigh. 7:30? I hope sooner I don't want to miss MOS again. #U2360EDM
#WTIIITW? ..... (What Time Is It In The World?) ..... #U2360EDM
@hjwallace1 Seriously! That made me pretty sad to not get it at my first 360 gig. #U2360EDM
Listo para #U2360EDM :-)
RT @jenfong: Security opening several doors at a time to let GA fans in. Chaos expected, say fans at the front of the line #U2360EDM
We are stuck on the LRT #U2360EDM will we make it in time to open for U2?
@hjwallace1 @wxander Heard they were late bc a "band member" (read Bono) was late getting to the airport lol hope u get MOS #U2360EDM
RT @hjwallace1: @wxander well fray is still not on. Sigh. 7:30? I hope sooner I don't want to miss MOS again. #U2360EDM
#u2360edm + #NHL playoffs = Superstore all to myself...
RT @hjwallace1: @wxander well fray is still not on. Sigh. 7:30? I hope sooner I don't want to miss MOS again. #U2360EDM
On our way to see the worlds biggest band on their biggest tour. Again. #u2360edm #Bono
So #U2360EDM doors open is sounding like Sydney when they opened the gates. I'm surprised no one was hurt those nights.
@wxander well fray is still not on. Sigh. 7:30? I hope sooner I don't want to miss MOS again. #U2360EDM