U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
Massive lineup for merchant at the east concession. Perhaps everyone's looking for a hoody on case it rains? #U2360EDM
#U2360EDM hope lrt is not too busy.
Enjoying all the #U2360EDM seat pics, have fun at the show! @mastermaq @wunderbar @BRinYEG @Difabs @allisonsalz #yeg
@proudmum95 yes inner circle. The people around us are awesome! U2360EDM
With @edmontonfitness and @beyondumami for #u2360edm (@ Commonwealth Stadium w/ @edmontonfitness) 4sq.com/lsadXs
Tonight we follow @EdgeFest, who is following U2. We will follow #U2360EDM
Is every Edmontonian on Twitter @ Commonwealth tonight?! RT @mastermaq: twitpic.com/55nlr8 #u2360edm #u2 #yeg
Say hi to the #banana for me! :D RT @EdgeFest: Rockin the (rED)GEzone at #U2360EDM instagr.am/p/FDDkF/
On LRT waiting for our departure to Commonwealth #U2360EDM #fb
My 2nd U2 concert tonight. 1st was right here in 1997. I remember the big lemon & Sweet Caroline singalong. @kabobiboo @Sperounes #U2360EDM
#U2360EDM woo! (@ Commonwealth Stadium w/ 9 others) 4sq.com/mOrXf0
RT @atu2: An entire news article dedicated to @EdgeFest in her hometown newspaper. Congrats! www.leaderpost.com/ente... #u2360edm
Even though i would have rather see Arcade Fire open, the Fray is still fairly solid #U2360EDM
Check out my buddy @EdgeFest 's LP article: www.leaderpost.com/mobi... Well done and well deserved. #U2360WPG #U2360EDM
Perfect! Have parking 1/2 block away for #U2360EDM! Now just need #bruins to beat #Canucks.
oh, how I wish I was in [Red]monton/EDGEmonton tonight! Real life sucks. #U2360EDM #banana #mango
#U2360EDM looking like it's going to rock! Looks like @Yegsquito is the only missing element #beautifulyegnight!
Inside and seeing the Claw live. Also, it's freezing all of a sudden. Storm over #U2360EDM? yfrog.com/hsphbuij
The dark storm clouds could put a real damper on this evening #U2360EDM
Brrr that wind is cold! Shoulda brought a sweater!! #U2360edm
RT @U2TOURFANS: We heard that it could be very possible for a video stream tonight #U2360EDM
Heading on to the field of Commonweath Stadium for #U2360edm #U2 #yeg concert
@coachmcquade @daveschneier RT @U2TOURFANS We heard that it could be very possible for a video stream tonight #U2360EDM
RT @martahU2: DON'T FORGET: U2 asks concertgoers a favour #U2360EDM u2nt.com/2011/05/u2-ask... via @U2_NT
RT @martahU2: DON'T FORGET: U2 asks concertgoers a favour #U2360EDM u2nt.com/2011/05/u2-ask... via @U2_NT
DON'T FORGET: U2 asks concertgoers a favour #U2360EDM u2nt.com/2011/05/u2-ask... via @U2_NT
RT @iChris: Sitting on the ground floor, waiting for The Fray and hoping the rain doesn't come. #U2360EDM yfrog.com/h3vmenvj
Sitting on the ground floor, waiting for The Fray and hoping the rain doesn't come. #U2360EDM yfrog.com/h3vmenvj
Getting ready for and figuring out logistics to get to an #epicconcert is #pureexcitement !! TY @Euthimious #U2360EDM
Getting prepped for #U2360EDM ... Weather does not look encouraging
On our way to #U2360EDM
@angirami_Jamy simmmm ... #U2360EDM provavel stream: www.u2tourfans.com/u2-t... =))
Se o sono deixar eu volto #U2360EDM
RT @EdgeFest: Security is tight at RedZone1 - EdgeFest will make you answer skill testing questions #U2360EDM img.ly/4D9x
RT @U2TOURFANS: We heard that it could be very possible for a video stream tonight #U2360EDM