U2 Edmonton 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360edm
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Edmonton with the hashtag #u2360edm. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2153 tweets for the hashtag #u2360edm between 1 Jun 2011, 14:12 and 28 Jun 2011, 20:48 MDT
RT @MemphisMullen: Very cool! Congrats! @atu2: An entire news article dedicated to @EdgeFest in her hometown newspaper. Congrats! www.leaderpost.com/ente... #u2360edm
@EdgeFest hey there, hot mama! :D #U2360EDM
Off to Commonwealth for #U2360EDM!
Very cool! Congrats! @atu2: An entire news article dedicated to @EdgeFest in her hometown newspaper. Congrats! www.leaderpost.com/ente... #u2360edm
Full house! #ReggaeParty #U2360EDM
RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 on police escort into city #yeg #U2360edm
RT @atu2: An entire news article dedicated to @EdgeFest in her hometown newspaper. Congrats! www.leaderpost.com/ente... #u2360edm
Just had a girl yell "hey adam, thanks for the tickets"! These drunks are friendly!! #NOWU2 #u2360edm
Flashback to NYC Cross-town shuttle! “@alpinejcobb: Holy line-up at Century Park, Batman. #yegtransit #U2360EDM #ETS yfrog.com/hsaiojvj”
@RedStarPub already packed. Looks like a lot of #U2360EDM pre gamers
I'm too short. GA does not work for shorter people. #U2360edm
Believe it or not, tonight will be my first U2 concert. Ever. #U2360EDM
RT @duxfeminafacti: Wah! They took our balloons away! #U2360EDM
RT @atu2: RT @hjwallace1: Hello claw. So nice to see you again. #U2360EDM omg inner circle. twitpic.com/55n24p
Woot! First row outer rail BEDGE stop! Exactly what I wanted! #U2360EDM
Wah! They took our balloons away! #U2360EDM
RT @atu2: RT @hjwallace1: Hello claw. So nice to see you again. #U2360EDM omg inner circle. twitpic.com/55n24p
RT @jenfong: There are so many #Canucks jerseys in the house tonight you'd think this was #yvr. #U2360EDM
#yeg anyone know how full the clariview LRT parking is?? #U2360EDM
I have an awesome view of the stage. I don't understand why some people choose to sit in the stands. Ah well #U2360EDM
There are so many #Canucks jerseys in the house tonight you'd think this was #yvr. #U2360EDM
#u2 #U2360edm #yeg Have 2 tickets for sale
#U2360EDM inner circle baby!!! brightkit.com/cm1x
RT @atu2: An entire news article dedicated to @EdgeFest in her hometown newspaper. Congrats! www.leaderpost.com/ente... #u2360edm
RT @atu2: RT @hjwallace1: Hello claw. So nice to see you again. #U2360EDM omg inner circle. twitpic.com/55n24p
RT @atu2: An entire news article dedicated to @EdgeFest in her hometown newspaper. Congrats! www.leaderpost.com/ente... #u2360edm
RT @yourregina - Regina U2 fan plans to see 11 shows this summer - Regina Leader-Post - REGINA @EdgeFest #U2360EDM - www.leaderpost.com/Regi...
Not a bad spot right? #U2360EDM mypict.me/ktpTn
RT @hjwallace1: Hello claw. So nice to see you again. #U2360EDM omg inner circle. twitpic.com/55n24p
Interesting crowd. #U2360EDM Got a T-shirt. #yeg
"@AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA's shell hangar #U2360edm yfrog.com/hsortcj"...
#UnionSoundtrack invited to the inner circle #U2360EDM
Got front row, outer rail. Oh yeah! #U2360EDM
RT @bengelinas: U2 is in Commonwealth. Bono gave a peace sign to fans as the band drove in under police escort. #U2360EDM