U2 East Lansing 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360el
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Lansing with the hashtag #u2360el. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1909 tweets for the hashtag #u2360el between 22 Jun 2011, 06:41 and 3 Jul 2011, 21:29 EDT
13. Zooropa #u2360el
RT @u2gigs: Next up is the opera song. Sometimes called Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
WOOOOW MAGNIFICENT ASI SE DEBE DE CANTAR MISS SARAJEVO, CARAJO ESO ES TODO #Bono #U2360EL (@bethandbono live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
RT @u2gigs: And Bono ABSOLUTELY NAILS it tonight! #U2360EL
13. Zooropa #U2360EL - essa música é muuuito booooaaa #baseado
La misma en soyapango , el salvador RT @U2_WalkOn: WHAT TIME IS IN THE WORLD? El Paso, Texas 7:44PM #U2360EL
RT @kvieira1: Mágico! Inesquecível! RT @ultravioletu2: Edge vai pro piano, Bono se prepara pra virar tenor: Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
Nothing like that moment when the feed distorts half to death from that note in Miss Sarajevo. <3 #u2360el
Ma que é isso Bono não consegui segurar hoje não? #U2360EL
Como pode tanta voz linda sair dese baixinho hein? #U2360EL
it's opera time: Dici che il fiume, Trova la via al mare... L'amore giungerà, L'AMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE #U2360EL
12 - Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
I'm wondering if it's a very choppy stream or if Bono's screwing up MS a little, hehe. #u2360el But WHOA, he really nailed the opera 2nite!
And Bono ABSOLUTELY NAILS it tonight! #U2360EL
wow. #u2360EL
...lamoooooooooooooooooooo reeeee.. #U2360El (@bethandbono live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Mágico! Inesquecível! RT @ultravioletu2: Edge vai pro piano, Bono se prepara pra virar tenor: Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
Show do #U2360EL Era onde eu queria estar... #fail
Bono recebe Pavarotti #paidesanto #U2360EL
Confesso que não consegui segurar as lágrimas durante essa música nos shows! =) #U2360EL
#u2360el en vivo. Una vez mas gracias tecnologia !!!!!
12-Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
@u2gigs LOL! love that! #u2360el
spending my night watching #U2360EL live. Zoooooropa!
RT @atu2comSherry: Is there a time for reading to your toddlers - a time for a bedtime snack... #u2360el
RT @ultravioletu2: Edge vai pro piano, Bono se prepara pra virar tenor: Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
@sociallyjenny Um, they played Get on Your Boots, 6th... #U2360el
:*( ... todos chora outra vez! #U2360EL .... Is there a time for keeping your distance #yes
Miss Sarajevo! Todos chora! #U2360EL
is there time...Mis..Mis..Mis Sarajevooooo #U2360EL canta meu tenorrrrrr preferido!
Is there a time for reading to your toddlers - a time for a bedtime snack... #u2360el
Essa musica é uma obra prima! #U2360EL
Miss Sarajevo.. #U2360EL Que conciertazo... I love technology...
...is there time...Mis..Mis..Mis Sarajevooooo #U2360EL (@bethandbono live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
Miss Sarajevo... Momento MÁGICO do show! Perfeito! Ouvir ao vivo NÃO TEM PREÇO! #U2360EL
RT @allinelemos: i so prefer unknown caller instead of miss sarajevo #U2360EL
But alas, Elevation always gets stadium crowds going while Gone or God Part II would probably not go down half as enthusiastically. #U2360EL
RT @u2_news: 12-Miss Sarajevo - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EL #U2360USA #U2News
Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
RT @u2gigs: Next up is the opera song. Sometimes called Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
12-Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
Edge vai pro piano, Bono se prepara pra virar tenor: Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
11 - Pride (in the name of love) #U2360EL
Outro momento que todos chora - Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
12: Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
12.Miss Sarajevo #u2360el
Miss Sarajevo agr #U2360EL