U2 East Lansing 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360el
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Lansing with the hashtag #u2360el. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1909 tweets for the hashtag #u2360el between 22 Jun 2011, 06:41 and 3 Jul 2011, 21:29 EDT
WTF? #U2360EL
Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
i so prefer unknown caller instead of miss sarajevo #U2360EL
Depois do São Paulo tomar 5 no coco, ta bom demais esse show #U2360EL pra compensar o acontecido da tarde né. ahahah
12. Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
Next up is the opera song. Sometimes called Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
12 Miss Sarajevo #U2360EL
What Time Is It?? #U2 East Lansing. @bethandbono 's video stream: twitcasting.tv/bethandb... #U2360EL I can't wait till Wed in Miami!!!
I (Ax) am not saying I haven't enjoyed Elevation live, but I think they have a whole bunch of rockers with even more substance. #U2360EL
12-Miss Sarajevo - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360EL #U2360USA #U2News
Yea!!!! it's over!!!! :D #u2360EL
Man, this is the U2 greatest hits show... nothing from the new album yet #U2360el
Bixo, fico puta pq Bono inventou de ficar cantando " Early evening" #U2360EL
até agora #U2360EL 7.ISHFWILF 8.Stay 9.Beautiful Day 10.Elevation 11.Pride
até agora #U2360EL 1.EBTTRT 2.The Fly 3.Mysterious Ways 4.UTEOTW 5.I Will Follow 6.Boots
RT @u2radiocom: Nice video feed coming from walkingupstream.blogspo... using a HTC EVO #U2360EL
O céu começa a fica escuro #U2360EL
ainda bem que cheguei a tempo, só perdi uma parte #U2360EL
...Pride ..In The Naaaame Of Love... / #U2360EL (@bethandbono live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
11. Pride (In The Name of Love) #U2360EL
Larry s2 #U2360EL
RT @U2_WalkOn: WHAT TIME IS IN THE WORLD? / México City, 8:44PM #U2360EL
LO-VE #U2360EL
...One man come and go... #U2360EL
@u2gigs Dear god, why not...don't ruin my dream of a Pride-free show, damnit! :D #U2360EL
What more in the name of love? #U2360EL
WHAT TIME IS IN THE WORLD? El Paso, Texas 7:44PM #U2360EL
What more in the name of love? #U2360EL
Oh yeah, and Pride is next. No more skipped gigs for it methinks. #U2360EL
Pride it's a good song but I prefer Unforgettable Fire #U2360EL
RT @andrebraun: Edge errou muitoo feio o larry quase parou a musica mais depois voltou em ELEVATION #U2360EL
11: Pride (In The Name Of Love) #U2360EL
FATO. Sempre achei isso também RT @VivaTodorov impressionante como 'elevation' e 'vertigo' são outras canções ao vivo. #U2360EL
In the naameeee of looveee!!! Pride!!...#U2360EL (@bethandbono live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )
I know, I'm going to burn in hell for that previous statement. #u2360EL
#U2360EL In The Name of Love
11-Pride (In The Name Of Love) #U2360EL
11. Pride (In The Name Of Love) #U2360EL
Pride... =D #U2360EL
de volta ao show, "one more in the name of love" - Pride (In The Name Of Love) #U2360EL
Pride #U2360EL
RT @andrebraun: Edge errou muitoo feio o larry quase parou a musica mais depois voltou em ELEVATION #U2360EL
Ugh...bathroom time... #u2360EL
11.Pride #U2360EL
11. Pride (In The Name of Love) #U2360EL
Judas #U2360EL
Acho que o show fica mais loko a noite, por causa do jogo de luzes incriveis...#U2360EL
11. Pride (in the name of love) #U2360EL