U2 Miami 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mia
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Miami with the hashtag #u2360mia. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 1620 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mia between 13 Jun 2011, 23:46 and 3 Jul 2011, 20:37 EDT
Vamos nos teletransportar pra lá!! Rsrsrs “@catygomes: mano tah vazio #U2360MIA @TammyCodato @BaFormiga twitpic.com/5itit1”
RT @MemphisMullen: Florence and the Machine didn't start until 7:45. Gonna be a late one tonight. Poor Elvis & Cilla :( #U2360MIA
Kd a fotinha dos horários do show no mundo?! Kd? Kd?!! x-) #U2360MIA
#u2360MiA 1 minute 1 minuto?? Bono <3
Show nber 99 #U2360MIA
@dubonics also use #u2360mia hashtag
360 cam!!! #u2360mia
Ainda não temos noticias sobre possiveis live streams. Se aparecer algum, vou compartilhar aqui com vocês. :) #U2360MIA
RT @u2aovivo: Hashtag de hoje será #U2360MIA. Qualquer tweet a respeito do show, usaremos esta.
What time is it in the world? Dinner time, just when #u2360mia gets closer and closer, be right back.
Hashtag de hoje será #U2360MIA. Qualquer tweet a respeito do show, usaremos esta.
#u2360MiA what are the yellow numbers on the screen?
Tonight is #u2 night #U2360MIA
a 22minutos de #U2360MIA
It's a US exclusive :( RT @blasisaguirres Why didnt they do Fan Cam in every show or at least in south america leg -.- #u2360mia
Listo Florence The Machine. #U2360MIA Cc: @caricori
Why didnt they do Fan Cam in every show or at least in south america leg -.- #u2360mia
o RT @u2radiocom Soon!! #U2360MIA
Should be in Miami #u2360mia
will we have stream tonight? RT @u2radiocom Soon!! #U2360MIA
And though your soul, it can't be bought, your mind can wander...#U2360MIA is here!
Lebron James hitting up #U2360MIA
@TammyCodato 1 hora depois... #U2360MIA
RT @angirami_Jamy: @Andreama2010 @andreia_hewson @RoseliMelo @ultravioletu2 por favor deem grinhos histéricos por mim no #U2360MIA ook ( ...
Florence + the machine = awesome #U2360MIA
Vishhhh o jogo do BBMP é no msm horario do #U2360MIA.... De novo jogo na hora do show!
I'm broadcasting aló? live on #Ustream. Come watch and chat! 8:20 PM www.ustream.tv/channel/...
Back at Joe Robbie Stadium after a 20-year hiatus #u2360mia
:( RT @NachoCcs: Mi señal esta pote. Se jodieron con el stream #U2360MIA
Mi señal esta pote. Se jodieron con el stream #U2360MIA
RT @andrebraun: Esse ingresso da direito a entrada de toda @ultravioletu2 #U2360MIA twitpic.com/5iq11y
u2!!!! finally #u2360mia (@ U2 - 360° 2011 Tour • Sun Life Stadium w/ 204 others) 4sq.com/kTFDMR
Mario Andretti sighting in the Red Zone. U2360MIA
@Trap_33 yep.... a stream would be nice #U2360MIA