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U2 Miami 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mia

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Miami with the hashtag #u2360mia. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 1620 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mia between 13 Jun 2011, 23:46 and 3 Jul 2011, 20:37 EDT

#U2360MIA - Follow tonights show via U2TOURFANS Streams

OMFG!!!!!! :(((((((((((( RT @NachoCcs: Llegando al Sun Life Stadium #U2360MIA

U2360 Missing in action? Oh noooes! ;-P #U2360MIA

RT @BigwaveU2: Follow the U2 show in Miami though the eyes, ears and fingertips of fellow fans - live and interactive here: #U2360MIA

Would love to hear a live stream of #U2360MIA tonight.

O cara do Me an U2.net esta aqui vendendo o livro dele. Ele ja foi em 147 shows do U2 #U2360MIA

La autopista, igualita a la Fco. de Miranda, limpiecita. RT @NachoCcs: Llegando al Sun Life Stadium #U2360MIA

Llegando al Sun Life Stadium #U2360MIA

Follow the U2 show in Miami though the eyes, ears and fingertips of fellow fans - live and interactive here: #U2360MIA

$7 for the fast lane on I-95? AND it's congested? #u2360MiA fever I suppose

Llegando al Sun Life Stadium para #U2360MIA

RT @u2gigs: If you want to follow all #U2360MIA tweets check our Twitter stream

En este vehiculo me voy pa #U2360MIA maaaas naaaaadaaaa papaa

RT @lebleuphoto: They let me in with the 7D!! Currently taking wide angle HDR's from the very top of the stadium #u2360mia

Do we go with #U2Miami or #u2360MiA let's go! @meeshsparks

RT @lebleuphoto: They let me in with the 7D!! Currently taking wide angle HDR's from the very top of the stadium #u2360mia

RT @lebleuphoto: They let me in with the 7D!! Currently taking wide angle HDR's from the very top of the stadium #u2360mia

RT @feru2arg: Algunas diferencias con Argentina en primera fila del inner.... #U2360ARG #U2360MIA @u2_news

The Commander Mark Kelly from the ISS segway into Beautiful Day is one of the most moving parts of the whole show #U2360MIA

RT @kendracps: What time is it in the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2360MIA

RT @lebleuphoto: They let me in with the 7D!! Currently taking wide angle HDR's from the very top of the stadium #u2360mia

If you want to follow all #U2360MIA tweets check our Twitter stream

RT @saltiels: Some stage pics from the inner circle in GA!!! #U2360MIA

@u2radiocom Will have stream today? #U2360MIA

They let me in with the 7D!! Currently taking wide angle HDR's from the very top of the stadium #u2360mia

RT @MemphisMullen: Inside inner circle. No problem. Not crowded yet. #U2360MIA

Aqui entrega Papa John's no inner no Brasil a gente morria de sede rs #U2360MIA

#U2360MIA Inside the circle, under the claw.

Inside inner circle. No problem. Not crowded yet. #U2360MIA

BEST sign ever seen at a venue! Reads "Report unruly fans! Text "FAN" <SPACE> Issue & Location to 41513" #U2360MIA

Picking up the tickets for Red zone #U2360MIA

RT @U2TOURFANS: If you're tweeting from - or about - the show, use the hashtag #U2360MIA //@Jorginho_GT. Te odiooooo

The stamp for GA Miami 'Happy Birthday' #U2360MIA

RT @U2Baja: @AfricanWellFund Just 6 likes to go! Need to get over 100 to be in the running. Please add your like @ Thanks #U2360MIA

RT @martahU2: U2′s Edge gets a pre-concert meal in South Beach via @U2_NT #U2 #Edge #U2360 #U2360MIA

Please rain STOP! U2 is finally here!! #U2360MIA

Some stage pics from the inner circle in GA!!! #U2360MIA

Olha o naipe do primeiro da fila rs #U2360MIA

@akmcquade #U2360MIA not sure if its ready yet but..... Follow the U2 Show via Streams

RT @nwox: Outer rail. Trying something new. #U2360MIA

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