U2 Minneapolis 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Minneapolis with the hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3224 tweets for the hashtag #u2360min & #u2360msp between 29 Jun 2011, 15:44 and 26 Jul 2011, 01:12 CDT
In our seats @ #u2360msp #u2360min
Any tips on parking for #u2360msp ?? Bought some cheap seats last minute, gotta park!!!
RT @u2br: Live stream #U2360MIN -> en.1000mikes.com/show/u... // @atu2 @u2gigs @u2_NT @u2chile @u2_news @u2radiocom
#u2360min is now trending in #Minneapolis trendsmap.com/us/minnea...
RT @u2br: Live stream #U2360MIN -> en.1000mikes.com/show/u... // @atu2 @u2gigs @u2_NT @u2chile @u2_news @u2radiocom
RT @u2br: Live stream #U2360MIN -> en.1000mikes.com/show/u... // @atu2 @u2gigs @u2_NT @u2chile @u2_news @u2radiocom
tonight show steams follow #u2360MSP owl.li/5LN6O
Live stream #U2360MIN -> en.1000mikes.com/show/u... // @atu2 @u2gigs @u2_NT @u2chile @u2_news @u2radiocom
Beautiful breeze at #U2360MIN - we are doing great!! BTW - my data is down so can't receive incoming Tweets
#U2 #TCFBankStadium #u2360msp I was at Sun Devil Stadium in '88 for Rattle&Hum. Before cell phones we used real lighters. No wireless mics.
At the #U2 concert!!! #u2360MSP
Possible stream for tonight: audio only and depending on the rain. movie.twitcasting.tv/na... courtesy of @natashcha #U2360MIN
You R one cool guy in demand RT @JasonYoraway peggy: "dont ditch me 2nite.." me: "ya ya.." peggy: " oh thats reassuring..." #U2360MSP
Sign in an follow tonights show via owl.li/5LN86 #u2360MSP U2 fans are the best fans in the world
Just realized, free wifi!!!! Also spotted rare beer at TCF Bank Stadium, on stage for Interpol of course #U2360MSP
RT @U2TOURFANS: Follow the whole stream live via owl.li/5L5bk #u2360MSP
últimos shows da u2360 tour... tô deprimida :( #U2360MSP
Nice breeze though the snowcones are now KoolAid. #U2360MSP
RT @riverraven: #u2360msp u2 flash mob anyone?? Some quick come up with something we all can do at 7pm #u2flashmob
RT @U2sannieGO: @EdgeFest have a great time tonight! you deserve it!!! #thebestedgefaniknow #U2360MIN
way too much buzz about #U2360MSP for me. In the "name of profits", I will pass.
Fans waiting earlier today in #U2360MSP www.facebook.com/photo....
Follow the whole stream live via owl.li/5L5bk #u2360MSP
The concert starts at 7:15 p.m. Officials say 58,000 fans are expected. lets see if we can push to 60K #U2360MSP owl.li/5LN0E
Heading to #U2360MSP shortly. Anyone else rocking the Red Zone?
#u2360msp u2 flash mob anyone?? Some quick come up with something we all can do at 7pm #u2flashmob
RT @U2comZooMods: Due to excessive spam on the #u2360msp feed, please use #u2360MIN for tonight. @bigwaveu2 @atu2 @maxtsukino @u2news @u ...
RT @natashcha: RT'ing myself: If the stream makes it tonight may be audio only depending on the rain, stream link: movie.twitcasting.tv/na... #U2360MIN
If you're tweeting from - or about - the show, use the hashtag #U2360MSP or #U2360USA, owl.li/5LMYg that way fans can follow the...
Got to wave and send some love to @Edgefest and @Bonogirl360 in RZ1. Xoxo #U2360MSP #U2360MIN
Te odio, Minesota @U2TOURFANS Hola Minnesota ! Are you ready for a show ? #u2360MSP .
@U2TOURFANS I'm here!!! Whoot! It's nice n cool #u2360msp
I hope #bono has some @finnegans while he is in town! @u2360msp #TCFbank
Can't wait for stream to hear and hopefully see the awesomeness! #u2360min
RT @U2TOURFANS: Hola Minnesota ! Are you ready for a show ? #u2360MSP
RT @natashcha: RT'ing myself: If the stream makes it tonight may be audio only depending on the rain, stream link: movie.twitcasting.tv/na... #U2360MIN
Hola Minnesota ! Are you ready for a show ? #u2360MSP
peggy: "dont ditch me 2nite.." me: "ya ya.." peggy: " oh thats reassuring..." #U2360MSP
The #U2grimmage underway. Masses marching across a very torn up UMN. #U2360MSP Circle us Bono!!
LMAO now! RT @MarketingMama On the limo bus, headed to #U2360MSP with a fun group of ladies. Thanks @stubhub :) twitpic.com/5uslxi
"In the Event of an Emergency" map is up behind the claw, heavy weather may be coming our way #U2360MSP